Documentation for Apache2 Web directory?

New to BrewPi with no background with Linux and/or programming, I was quite excited when starting from scratch with an empty RPi. (That said, I have IT background, with 15 years of Windows and Cisco, and Google is a very good friend………)
So my BrewPi arrived first and booted good and directly into test mode, as it should, detecting my three plugged in sensors. Waiting for my RPi, I had some time to read this forum and hopefully steer away from errors in the install/configuration process. And after installing NOOBS 1.4.2 onto my new RPi 2 model B I followed the instructions given in this forum, Software Install Guide , all updates to the RPi was OK, the BrewPi download and script was also going quite fast and good. The only problem I had was the install folder for the web files, due to a default folder change in apache2. I found the solution to this problem in this forum, and the fix was quite easy done through Putty.
I wanted to document my changes, and I have searched through this forum for the solution, again, as I am quite sure I did a change in two files !! not just the /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Any Apache geeks out there who happens to remember which files? (sorry for not documenting whilst doing )
Creds to Elco and his team of programmers, for all the work done for us who loves good beer !!
Did my Fridge Hacking yesterday, doing a short test with 20 l water in my FastFerment conical now, and will probably post some results, and questions after this weekend.
