I am starting to build a brewpi based on Arduino Leonardo and a DIY shield.
It sounds good, I can build the firmware with my custom pinout, I can upgrade my arduino and I can read the first temperature on the web pages.
But I am asking if I have started my dev with the latest arduino firmware version ?
I am using the firmware-0.2.10 from Git, is it the latest stable version ? or should I get a newer ?
Thank you for the answer, Arduino version is fine for me now.
Moreover, I have an old RaspberryPi to use in a DIY project and this project looks perfect !
The +/- 0.3 C “anomalities” are caused by me tweeking the installation while I am running my first installation. If you power off the Brewpi and opens the fridge for a while it sometimes has a +/- 0.3 “error” for an hour or so before returning to the normal +/- 0.1 C . Pretty impressive if you ask me Cheers!