Brewblox release 2021/02/25 [updated 2021/03/01]

Thanks for the quick reply!

Hi. Iā€™m trying to update (itā€™s been a while), and itā€™s having a problem with the CouchDB -> Redis migration:

INFO Migrating datastore from CouchDB to Redisā€¦
INFO Starting a temporary CouchDB container on port 5984ā€¦
WARNING: The requested imageā€™s platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm/v7) and no specific platform was requested
Connecting http://localhost:5984, attempt 1/60
Connecting http://localhost:5984, attempt 2/60
Connecting http://localhost:5984, attempt 3/60
Connecting http://localhost:5984, attempt 4/60
Connecting http://localhost:5984, attempt 59/60
Connecting http://localhost:5984, attempt 60/60
Retry attempts exhausted
Command ā€˜/usr/bin/python3 -m brewblox_ctl http wait http://localhost:5984ā€™ returned non-zero exit status 1.
Command ā€˜/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/.local/bin/brewblox-ctl update --update-ctl-done --pruneā€™ returned non-zero exit status 1.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

What is the result url from this command?

docker logs couchdb-migrate | nc 9999

We replaced CouchDB because (among other things) it semi-frequently failed to start, so it could be something that is resolved with a retry.


WARNING: CouchDB is running in Admin Party mode.
         This will allow anyone with access to the
         CouchDB port to access your database. In
         Docker's default configuration, this is
         effectively any other container on the same
         Use "-e COUCHDB_USER=admin -e COUCHDB_PASSWORD=password"
         to set it in "docker run".

Iā€™ve tried running update a few times, and the CouchDB migration has failed each time.

At this point itā€™s probably easiest if you export your couchdb files, and Iā€™ll convert them to something you can easily import.

tar -zcf couchdb.tar.gz couchdb

You can use filezilla to get the tar.gz file from your Pi.

Hereā€™s the file (I had to add the .txt so I could upload it here.)couchdb.tar.gz.txt (100.2 KB)

database.json (16.1 KB)

Copy this to your Pi, and then run:

brewblox-ctl env set BREWBLOX_CFG_VERSION 0.6.0
docker-compose up -d redis history traefik
brewblox-ctl http post http://localhost/history/datastore/mset -f database.json
brewblox-ctl update

Thanks. The update finished this time, but I seem to have lost my configuration. The brewblox ui is available, but there are no dashboards, and no services - my spark doesnā€™t show up.

What was the output from the http post command?

Looked like the contents of the .json file. brewpi_http_post_output.txt (16.2 KB)

Ok, so the import went through. If you force refresh the UI, and still not see your config, could you please run brewblox-ctl log?

Force-refresh did it. Sorry I didnā€™t think of that myself.

Thanks very much for all your help!


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