BrewBlox Tilt Service

@j616s I’m still fighting issues of not being able to see my tilt in BrewBlox - with or without my tilt repeater. How would I go about uninstalling and reinstalling the service? Thanks.

If you are in the ~/brewblox directory and run
brewblox-ctl update
This will reinstall everything, there is no need to uninstall as these are containers and it will be completely new in effect.

On the Fermentation dashboard, in the Ferment Graph block, if you expand the block (click the <> button - show full widget):

Any Tilts which can be seen by the Brewblox server should shown under the spark-one in the selection list for metrics to display on the graph:

Do you see the Tilt show up here?

Kind regards,

Jerry, thanks for the response. I’d previously had the tilt showing up as you show until about a week ago. I added a Tilt repeater and did a Brewblox-ctl update at that time and lost visibility to my tilt. I did just retry the update command but still can’t see the tilt.

If you are in the ~/brewblox directory, can you try running: brewblox-ctl service show? You should see all services installed - just to verify that the tilt service is still installed and has not been lost during one of the reinstalls?

pi@fridgepi:~/brewblox $ brewblox-ctl service show


Yes, I have

In my log file post update I get:
Attaching to brewblox_tilt_1
tilt_1 | 2020-06-23T12:01:12.545156232Z 2020/06/23 12:01:12 INFO brewblox_service.service Creating [tilt] application
tilt_1 | 2020-06-23T12:01:12.550828290Z 2020/06/23 12:01:12 WARNING brewblox_tilt Calibration file not found: /share/SGCal.csv . Calibrated values won’t be provided.
tilt_1 | 2020-06-23T12:01:12.564675833Z 2020/06/23 12:01:12 WARNING brewblox_tilt Calibration file not found: /share/tempCal.csv . Calibrated values won’t be provided.
tilt_1 | 2020-06-23T12:01:12.758564029Z 2020/06/23 12:01:12 INFO brewblox_service.service Service info: v1.0.2-53-g14b0a0f @ Sun May 3 13:18:05 UTC 2020
tilt_1 | 2020-06-23T12:01:12.764698221Z 2020/06/23 12:01:12 INFO brewblox_tilt Started TiltScanner
tilt_1 | 2020-06-23T12:01:13.131861529Z 2020/06/23 12:01:13 INFO brewblox_tilt Found Tilt: Black
tilt_1 | 2020-06-23T12:01:13.146739848Z 2020/06/23 12:01:13 ERROR brewblox_tilt Error when publishing data AmqpClosedConnection()

with a series of these errors, followed by
tilt_1 | 2020-06-23T12:01:40.268608671Z 2020/06/23 12:01:40 WARNING aioamqp.protocol Connection lost exc=ConnectionResetError(104, ‘Connection reset by peer’)

and then more of the same error.

OK, so it does discover your black Tilt. I am not sure on those errors.

I think you would need @j616s to advise on this I am afraid. Beyond what I know

FYI, I’m going to test the shift to MQTT for updates tomorrow. I missed a PR from Bob a few days back and ended up re-doing all his work today wasting an afternoon… Oh well. Hopefully it’ll make things more reliable though. I’ll let you know when its available :slight_smile:

Thanks Jerry and j616s

FYI, trying to test the new build but think the battery in my Tilt might be dead. Am casking the beer its in this weekend so will change it then if it doesn’t get a signal before.

I’ve just deployed the new code that uses MQTT to connect back to brewblox. This might solve connection issues between the service and brewblox some have seen. It also means running of the service remotely (i.e. on a different computer to brewblox) is now supported. Most people shouldn’t see any changes (in theory…).

For more info on running remotely, check out the readme at

Great, thanks @j616s! I have pulled the new version and will let you know how it goes…
(Although the last build was stable for me anyway).

I really appreciate the work you put into this!

This was mainly @Bob_Steers so I can’t really take the credit :slight_smile:

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Still, you have put a lot of time into this over the years!

@j616s, I’m getting errors with the new tilt release. This is my first attempt at trying to use it though. The last release was giving me this error:

Error when publishing data AmqpClosedConnection()

whereas the new one gives me this:

pi@raspberrypi:~/brewblox $ docker logs brewblox_tilt_1 -f
2020/06/27 19:22:38 WARNING brewblox_tilt Calibration file not found: /share/SGCal.csv . Calibrated values won’t be provided.
2020/06/27 19:22:38 WARNING brewblox_tilt Calibration file not found: /share/tempCal.csv . Calibrated values won’t be provided.
2020/06/27 19:22:38 INFO brewblox_service.service Service name: tilt
2020/06/27 19:22:38 INFO brewblox_service.service Service info: v1.0.2-59-g7629bed @ Sat Jun 27 12:19:18 UTC 2020
2020/06/27 19:22:38 INFO brewblox_service.service Service config: {‘host’: ‘’, ‘port’: 5001, ‘output’: None, ‘name’: ‘tilt’, ‘debug’: False, ‘eventbus_host’: ‘’, ‘eventbus_port’: 5672, ‘mqtt_protocol’: ‘wss’, ‘mqtt_host’: ‘’, ‘mqtt_port’: None, ‘mqtt_path’: ‘/eventbus’, ‘history_topic’: ‘brewcast/history’, ‘state_topic’: ‘brewcast/state’, ‘lower_bound’: 0.5, ‘upper_bound’: 2}
2020/06/27 19:22:38 INFO brewblox_service.mqtt Starting <EventHandler for wss://>
2020/06/27 19:22:38 INFO brewblox_tilt Started TiltScanner
2020/06/27 19:22:49 INFO brewblox_tilt Found Tilt: Green
2020/06/27 19:22:49 ERROR brewblox_tilt Error when publishing data ConnectionError(‘Publish error=“The client is not currently connected.”, topic=“brewcast/history”’)

Any thoughts?

Looks like the mqtt connection hasn’t come up. Do they stop after a while? I could imagine this happening if the tilt service comes up before the eventbus endpoint. @Bob_Steers might have more thoughts

Ah, you’re right. That’s what I get for jumping the gun. I definitely saw the tilt container start before the eventbus one, so that totally makes sense. Thanks a ton!

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I have a signal again! Thanks both.

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I am struggling to get my new Tilt to show on the graph. My setup is Pi 4 4Gb, and a Tilt 3 - i can see the tilt on my phone app but not on the Raspi.

log file contents

2020/07/09 21:29:12 WARNING brewblox_tilt Calibration file not found: /share/SGCal.csv . Calibrated values won’t be provided.
2020/07/09 21:29:12 WARNING brewblox_tilt Calibration file not found: /share/tempCal.csv . Calibrated values won’t be provided.
2020/07/09 21:29:12 INFO brewblox_service.service Service name: tilt
2020/07/09 21:29:12 INFO brewblox_service.service Service info: v1.0.2-59-g7629bed @ Sat Jun 27 12:19:18 UTC 2020
2020/07/09 21:29:12 INFO brewblox_service.service Service config: {‘host’: ‘’, ‘port’: 5001, ‘output’: None, ‘name’: ‘tilt’, ‘debug’: False, ‘eventbus_host’: ‘eventbus’, ‘eventbus_port’: 5672, ‘mqtt_protocol’: ‘wss’, ‘mqtt_host’: ‘’, ‘mqtt_port’: None, ‘mqtt_path’: ‘/eventbus’, ‘history_topic’: ‘brewcast/history’, ‘state_topic’: ‘brewcast/state’, ‘lower_bound’: 0.5, ‘upper_bound’: 2}
2020/07/09 21:29:12 INFO brewblox_service.mqtt Starting <EventHandler for wss://>
2020/07/09 21:29:12 INFO brewblox_tilt Started TiltScanner

any ideas ?


The logs look normal. The service has started but it hasn’t found a Tilt. Is the pi in range of the Tilt? Keeping in mind that the pi might not be as sensitive as your phone, anything that might be between the pi itself and the Tilt etc.

Thanks for the reply. I have moved the pi to sit on top of the fridge without luck. I am using a stainless steel fermenter which will clearly attenuate the signal. Unfortunately in my excitement to get going I put the tilt into a new brew which has just started. I think I will wait out until it has finished and set it out next to the pi. Going forwards could I set up a Pi Zero to act as a proxy from inside the fridge and pass the data back to the brewblox pi ?