BrewBlox Tilt Service

Yes okay. Thanks for that. This looks like exactly what I need to use.

Can someone lend a hand in what code I need to execute here?

The section that says has me confused and feeling like I would definitely mess this up:

NOTE: It is recommended you create the tilt folder before launching the Tilt service for the first time. Failure to do so will result in the docker service creating the folder as root. If this happens, use chown to change the user and group ownership of the tilt folder to match the rest of the BrewBlox directory.”

So, because I have already launched the Tilt service how do I creat the ‘tilt’ directory and change the user and group ownership. From there I should be able to handle the calibration file.

ssh into the raspberry pi. Change into the brewblox directory with the following:
cd brewblox

Change the ownership of the tilt directory with the following
sudo chown pi:pi tilt

Change into the tilt directory with the following
cd tilt

Create and edit the SG file using the format described in the documentation and the following command
nano SGCal.csv

Use ctrl + x to exit pressing y to confirm you want to save and enter to accept the file name.

Change back to the brewblox directory
cd ~/brewblox

Restart the service using
brewblox-ctl restart

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Thanks for the quick reply. Can’t wait to try this

If I eventually find some time, I’ll update the service to make use of some new features in brewblox so calibration can be edited through the web interface. But that will probably be some time off yet.

Done. For some reason the graph is flipping the uncorrected and corrected values.

This is likely because you haven’t got enough calibration points. As the docs say, I recommend having at least 6 calibration points evenly distributed across the range you expect to use your tilt. e.g. callibration points at 1.000, 1.010, 1.020, 1.030, 1.040, 1.050 if you expect to brew with OGs up to ~1.050. The calibration code fits a curve rather than a line. If you don’t have enough points across a big enough range, that curve might end up being completely wrong.

Whoops sorry what I said above is not true. Honestly the tilt is going up and down quite a bit and that is throwing me off somewhat.

It is calibrating in the wrong direction tho. The calibrated value should be higher not lower. Just did another manual check and this what tilt app shows

Quick question: when adding new calibration points does the brewblox need to be restarted?

Yes. The calibration file is only loaded on startup.

Ok added a few calibration points then ran brewblox-ctl restart and brewblox-ctl- up but no UI is completely non responsive.
Here is the error log from the UI

brewblox-errors (3).json (1.7 KB)

This is one for @Bob_Steers

It’s complaining about being unable to reach the datastore. You can restart the datastore by running brewblox-ctl restart datastore.

It sometimes takes a few minutes to get started. It’s a known and very annoying bug.

Ok thank you. Will try that.

Is this the expected message I should see?

No, my bad. It’s docker-compose restart datastore.

Some more info on the issue:

Thanks! No, I really appreciate all the help. It is processing now. Will let you know if I continue to have problems.

Ok. I think that I have fixed the datastore issue. Basically, just need to wait a long time after running the restart script.

However, can you help me troubleshoot why my TILT hydrometer is not being picked up. The bluetooth dongle is right next to fermentor which is stainless. I have a usb bluetooth dongle attached to a USB extension cord running outside the freezer and into the rPi. I can get the signal from my phone. And at least for a few days this set up worked fine.

It wasn’t until I tried to run the calibration settings the 2nd time that I lost the connection.

Once again, any help is greatly appreciated.

There’s no support in the code for multiple bluetooth receivers at the moment. The code is likely just connecting to the built in bluetooth receiver on the raspberry pi and not the dongle.

Does the raspberry pi 2 have built in bluetooth?

Ah. No it doesn’t. But the interface to your dongle likely won’t have the right name. But using a raspberry pi 2 will probably explain why you were having issues with it taking ages for the data store to come up.


Well dang. I’m about to give up. Would it be possible to use a bluetooth dongle on a rPi 4 instead of the onboard bluetooth?

I had the bluetooth dongle working fine before trying to edit my config file. What gives? I didn’t move the usb to a different usb slot.