I swapped out the GPIO module and the sensor on Spark 21/22 with the ones you sent over (thanks for that!) and I’m not fully operational yet. The new sensor works but there is no output signal from the GPIO module when I set my CCT to cool. I set one of the GPIO pins as Ground and measured the voltage across the cooling signal pin and I don’t see any voltage (when cooling is active).
I tried reflashing Spark 21/22, even though it had the latest firmware, but that didn’t help. You can find the coredump here if that’ll help: https://termbin.com/cs6k
As a test, I attached Spark 33/34 on the GPIO Module/Setup of the troublesome Spark 21/22 and it worked fine so I’m pretty confident that it is Spark 21/22 that is wonky. Also a fun discovery: The Ethernet hadn’t been working with Spark 21/22 so we were on WiFi (I thought the cable had an issue), but it does work with Spark 33/34 so maybe Spark 21/22 was worse off than previously thought.
I also still get the SPI Error on this Spark. The other 5 Sparks do not have the SPI Error.
A final fun development: When running brewblox-ctl up I started to see the following error regarding brewblox-traefik:
Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint brewblox-traefik-1 (5ee50908bb64b3d26ae46be2699c9084deeefc8fbee94c3ec90adc82a1a695e0): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Command 'docker compose up -d ’ returned non-zero exit status 1.
Do you guys have any thoughts or actions I can try concerning the above?
I didn’t even know what a MQTT broker was until now, but no, we don’t have anything like that running to my knowledge. brewblox-ctl kill didn’t fix it. Tried it before my previous post and again just now for good measure. Should have mentioned it earlier. Sorry.