Integrating BrewBlox with Home Assistant?

I tested in Home Assistant and indeed, - is not an allowed character in entity names.

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Aaahhh, many thanks for your assistance

This seems to have broken with the latest release. I’m seeing this over and over in the log:

hass-1  | 2024-02-11T18:48:22.643998965Z 2024/02/11 18:48:22 INFO     brewblox_hass.relay             publishing new sensor: T1 Beer Sensor
hass-1  | 2024-02-11T18:48:22.644036687Z 2024/02/11 18:48:22 ERROR    brewblox_service.mqtt           Exception handling MQTT callback for brewcast/state/fermenter1: TypeError(EventHandler.publish() missing 1 required positional argument: 'payload')
hass-1  | 2024-02-11T18:48:27.714815879Z 2024/02/11 18:48:27 INFO     brewblox_hass.relay             publishing new sensor: T1 Beer Sensor
hass-1  | 2024-02-11T18:48:27.714897821Z 2024/02/11 18:48:27 ERROR    brewblox_service.mqtt           Exception handling MQTT callback for brewcast/state/fermenter1: TypeError(EventHandler.publish() missing 1 required positional argument: 'payload')
hass-1  | 2024-02-11T18:48:32.796650006Z 2024/02/11 18:48:32 INFO     brewblox_hass.relay             publishing new sensor: T1 Beer Sensor
hass-1  | 2024-02-11T18:48:32.796829358Z 2024/02/11 18:48:32 ERROR    brewblox_service.mqtt           Exception handling MQTT callback for brewcast/state/fermenter1: TypeError(EventHandler.publish() missing 1 required positional argument: 'payload')

I just picked up this service for some refactoring. This will include a fix for this bug, and improvements to tests so we catch these API mistakes before they go live.

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