Just upgraded to Brewblox. Ran into two issues: installed buster and found out docker wasn’t ready for that yet. Fixed by reverting to previous raspbian release. Second issue was that brewblox didn’t find the spark. Edited the docker compose to use usb and added the spark’s serial. Now able to use the Wizard.
All good now, but I would like to have access outside of my own LAN like I could with brewpi. Any tips? Must be simple.
We don’t have any access control yet. So I would not forward it publicly.
If you can set up a VPN to your home network, that would be my recommended way.
Another possibility is to forward your SSH port, which does have access control.
You can then log in on the pi remotely and tunnel the extra port for the web interface.
To access the pi from outside of your home network, you would need to change to your external IP. I recommend using a non-standard port forwarded to the local ssh port.
Say your public IP is rvdb.dyndns.org and you forwarded external port 14722 to port 22 on the pi, the command would be: