Analog GPIO Modules for RTDs and pressure sensors Update

Hi Elco,

During the July software update, Bob mentioned the inclusion of support for the new analogue GPIO module and it’s availability would be after you guys returned from the summer holiday. Would you mind providing an update of the status? Our unitanks came with PT100 rtds mounted much lower in the cone than where the 1-wire sensors are mounted. This would give us an earlier indication of the temperature of the wort during filling and an idea of the temperature stratification that occurs during fermentation (we also have tilt pros for top temps). I did build an arduino based readout that mounts locally but I’d like to have all three readouts in the dashboard. We are also very interested in monitoring tank pressures remotely (currently we use a webcam which is not ideal).

Thanks in advance - I realize that Bob is not currently working on the project.

We just moved to a new office and are still unpacking. Adding the analog IO board will be one of the first things I’ll do when we’re fully back up and running. Sometime next week I think.

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Awesome, thanks Elco.