BeerSmith integration

BrewFather only accepts values every 15 minutes. Is it still on cooldown there?
If you run the script manually, what is the output?

Yeah it is. I’m watching it every 15 min to see if it updates with the values. A few minutes away from the next update, but this is what BrewFather is showing


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nevermind… seems like this is because I already attached to a batch in BrewFather. I was checking the “devices” tab, seeing the above image. When I go to the Batch itself, I’m seeing the data reporting. Thanks for the help!

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When I tried this and also via a web browser I get an error:-

{“error”: “HTTPMethodNotAllowed(Method Not Allowed)”}

port 446 is what I run the docker over due to 443 being used already, IP address is correct.

Any ideas?

last_values is I think a POST endpoint.

would that work? I get the same result

A 405 means you’re making a GET request to a POST endpoint. Visiting an URL in your browser sends a GET.

To try it out, you can go to history/api/doc, and use the debugging API there.