Black screen on spark

Wierd problem, when spark 4 is connected with gpio module it goes completly black. When I detache it from gpio module it fires up like normal. Have tried to remove all the cables going to it but still the same.

This happened after i changed out one of the ssr.

When setting up the new system I had problems with 1 of 4 ssr. These are all new from your store. 2 40a and 2 10a. I changed the ssr who did not respond from spark.
I changed the ssr with a chinese type and this made my braker go. And after this the gpio module will make the spark turn black.

I did order a new gpio module and a new ssr now. Hopefullt tht will get things going again

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Wow, did the SSR somehow short the ac side to the control side? That sounds like a really bad SSR.

Yep… cant understand what else could happened