Brewblow install problem - missing directory

Hello, I am updating my raspberry pi to go from brewpi to brewblox, I have completed step 4 of the set-up however when I start phase 5 and try to explore brewblox directory I have a message mentionning that the brewblox directory does not exist.
Would you have any idea where that could come from and can get resolved?

Did you pick the default option for your brewblox install?

During which command do you get the error?

Could you please run the following commands, and copy the output?

ls /home/pi

I restarted the installation process and saw that in fact the installation had probably not worked. I managed to go a few steps later.
After the installation and the flashing I saw only black screen on my spark lcd so I did the following command but I have an error message and there a red light on the spark

brewblox-ctl particle -c flash-bootloader

however I have now the following error message
pi@raspberrypi : ~/brewblox $ brewblox-ctl particle -c flash-bootloader

Please press ENTER when your Spark is connected over USB

INFO Pulling flasher image…

edge: Pulling from brewblox/firmware-flasher

Digest: sha256:493323d548b6ce2e6a7727db8a394a1d455e27864bed3ac1e4e9a86eca9e1a72

Status: Image is up to date for brewblox/firmware-flasher:edge

INFO Starting Particle image…

INFO Type ‘exit’ and press enter to exit the shell

Flashing P1 bootloader…


sending file: bootloader-p1.bin

Error writing firmware: unknown message

Command ‘docker run -it --rm --privileged -v /dev:/dev brewblox/firmware-flasher:edge flash-bootloader’ returned non-zero exit status 1

pi@raspberrypi : ~/brewblox $

Does the red error light persist if you reboot the Spark? (unplug / replug cable)

You can then switch the Spark to safe mode, and retry the bootloader.
To switch to safe mode:

  1. Hold down BOTH buttons
  2. Release only the RESET button, while holding down the SETUP button.
  3. Wait for the LED to start blinking magenta
  4. Release the SETUP button

I did a reboot and I now have a flashing blue light. The RESET and SETUP buttons are holes on the back of the spark? I did not manage to obtain and magenta blinking lights

For reference:
Both Cyan and Blue are normal states, so nothing to worry about there.

On a Spark 3, the RESET/SETUP buttons are on the side. You need toothpicks or pins to access them.
Their position is indicated on the sticker on the back.
If yours no longer has a sticker: the RESET button is towards the side that has the 12V power port.

I did not manage to use the buttons, one of them might be broken, is there an alternative way to to switch to safe mode?

They can be tricky. An alternative mode of getting the bootloader update is to connect your Spark to a network.

After that is done, your Spark will pull the update from the cloud.

it looks like I am progressing, I a managed to connect my spark to a network, when the spark restarted I saw a brewblox message. I now have a permanent green light and a black screen with a few elements IP address of the device, and a message “exit this screen in the web interface”

When I launch the help command I see the list of what I would expect, however when I try to launch brewblox I have the following error
pi@raspberrypi:~/brewblox $ brewblox-ctl up
Can’t find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any
parent. Are you in the right directory?

    Supported filenames: docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.yaml

Command ‘docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans’ returned non-zero exit status 1

when I tried the boot loader I had the following message

pi@raspberrypi : ~/brewblox $ brewblox-ctl particle -c flash-bootloader

Please press ENTER when your Spark is connected over USB

INFO Pulling flasher image…

edge: Pulling from brewblox/firmware-flasher

Digest: sha256:493323d548b6ce2e6a7727db8a394a1d455e27864bed3ac1e4e9a86eca9e1a72

Status: Image is up to date for brewblox/firmware-flasher:edge

INFO Starting Particle image…

INFO Type ‘exit’ and press enter to exit the shell

Flashing P1 bootloader…


sending file: bootloader-p1.bin

Error writing firmware: unknown message

Command ‘docker run -it --rm --privileged -v /dev:/dev brewblox/firmware-flasher:edge flash-bootloader’ returned non-zero exit status 1

That happens if you haven’t run brewblox-ctl setup (step 5) yet.

If you see the brewblox message, then both firmware and bootloader are flashed.
You won’t need to flash the bootloader again. If there are any bootloader updates, they will be downloaded automatically.

I have completed the brewblox-ctl setup and the `brewblox-ctl up and it looks like everything is ok, I have access to the Brewblox UI using my browser, than you for your tremendous help

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