I’m trying to install this service, I edited the files like it said but nothing is working yet. I’m new to this and know very little code. Do I have to install something first before editing the files so I can import recipe from brewfather?
what command would I use to install the service to my system?
Your immediate problem appears to be a formatting issue in your docker-compose.yml file. Yaml is a indentation-based format, and your brewfather: line is not indented.
You’ll want to edit your docker-compose.yml file, and indent brewfather: with two spaces, so it is in line with tilt and spark-one. The lines below are fine, and should not be modified.
I edited my file. I tried to paste this “” in my browser and I get a 404 error.
Shouldn’t this open a web page? I also re booted my system after making changes to the yml file.
I did not run brewblox-ctl up after rebooting but I did log into the brewblox interface and verify it’s reading the temp for my fermentation fridge. is the IP of the Pi.
I ran brewblox-ctl up and it said pulling brewfather . My network crashed before it was able to finish. Not sure why. I think I’m getting close. I’m doing all this remotely from work. I might have to wait until I’m home.
The log is incomplete, but it shows multiple errors that suggest a system-level issue.
When you’re home, could you please run brewblox-ctl restart, and then brewblox-ctl log again? It’s very possible a restart and brewfather image download will untangle most of the problems.
I confirm I develop from my laptop and the image is made from there. Didn’t have much time to work on this lately.
Is there anything special to build for both platforms @Bob_Steers ? I can throw an eye during the week.