BrewBlox issues: how to report a problem

We’re happy to help with any problems or questions that arise when using BrewBlox.

Our first reply often consists of the same handful of questions. To save you some time, you may want to run through this checklist first, and check the troubleshooting documentation page.

  • Is your system and firmware up-to-date? You can run brewblox-ctl update to check, or find the latest release date in
  • brewblox-ctl log generates all kinds of logs and diagnostic data for us to look at. It will also create a link. You can copy that URL in your post.
  • In the UI sidebar, bottom left corner there is a “bug” button. Click here, and choose “Export API errors to file”. Please attach this file to your post.
  • If your Spark service page is working, it may be useful to include your Blocks. You can export them by clicking on the “Actions” button in the top right corner of the service page, and then choosing “Import/Export Blocks”. Please attach the generated file to your post.