Brewblox release 2021/10/14 (Updated 2021/10/17)

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Brewblox release 2021/10/14

firmware release date: 2021-09-20
firmware release date: 2021-10-17

Hotfix 2021/10/17:

  • (fix) Resolved an issue where firmware communication would crash when many blocks were present on the controller.

Due to popular demand, we added the Countdown widget.
Apart from this, and some minor usability improvements, we’ve taken the time to improve things under the hood.

We’ve been thinking for a while about making more use of the relations diagram in the Spark service page, and have now implemented a new library that will let us do just that.
For now, everything looks pretty much the same, but you can expect some improvements here in future updates.


  • (feature) Added the Countdown widget.
  • (feature) Switched to a new library for calculating the layout of relation diagrams.
  • (improve) The relation between OneWire temp sensors and the OneWire bus is hidden in relation diagrams.
  • (improve) Added - / + labels to the power block for the OneWire GPIO Module block.
  • (docs) Added pin mapping and multiplication to the OneWire GPIO Module block documentation.
  • (dev) Updated Python-based services to Python 3.9.
  • (dev) Block relations and drive chains are now calculated server-side, and broadcast as part of the Spark state.
  • (fix) Resolved an error where exporting channel / sensor names would crash when removing all blocks.
  • (fix) brewblox-ctl update now makes sure the udev rules directory exists before copying files to it.
  • (fix) brewblox-ctl add-tilt now correctly sets a flag to disable traefik routing, as the Tilt service has no REST API.