Brewblox release 2023/05/30

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Brewblox release 2023/05/30

firmware release date: 2023/05/06

This release mostly involves UI fixes and improvements.
On the firmware side, work to support digital inputs (buttons) and RTD sensors is still in progress.

Due to a long-standing bug in Safari, nested HTML components in Builder layouts would be rendered incorrectly.
This affected most parts, but was most noticeable in the Graph, Web frame, and Heating Element parts.
We implemented workarounds to compensate or avoid this bug.

Separately, we redesigned the wizards used to create new blocks and widgets. They should now be more straightforward.


  • (feature) The Home Assistant service now publishes Setpoint Profile state as binary sensor.
  • (improve) Reworked the block / widget wizards in the UI.
  • (improve) Moved the Wizardry button to the UI sidebar to make it easier to find.
  • (docs) Added tutorials for interacting with Brewblox in Node-RED.
  • (docs) Added documentation for published Tilt service state events.
  • (fix) Fixed rendering of builder layouts on iOS and MacOS.
  • (fix) Resolved a bug where block widgets would temporarily disappear from dashboards.
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Hi, I can´t get eventbus started after this update.

Remove the manual 1883:1883 mapping from the eventbus service in docker-compose.yml.

Eventbus routing is now also handled by the traefik service.

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Thanks for the quick help, it certainly did the trick :+1:

I’m on firmware 2023/04/17. Shouldn’t I automatically be notified about this firmware update and be able to upgrade from the UI - or which procedure to follow?

The update is done by running the brewblox-ctl update command in the terminal. The UI does not have the access rights to do this.

In-UI notifications are on the to-do list. I don’t have an ETA for that, but we are working towards a more stable approach to versioning, and this is part of that.

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