Brewblox update: run source~/.profile problems


Attempting to install the latest update by using ‘brewblox-ctl update’ … at the end I get:

Installing collected packages: brewblox-ctl, docker-compose
The script brewblox-ctl is installed in ‘/home/pi/.local/bin’ which is not on PATH.
Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
The script docker-compose is installed in ‘/home/pi/.local/bin’ which is not on PATH.
Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
Successfully installed brewblox-ctl-0.21.0 docker-compose-1.25.5
INFO Please run source ~/.profile and restart the update
pi@RampantPi4:~/brewblox $ source ~/.profile

So I ran “source ~/.profile” as instructed and now seem to have broken the path to finding ‘brewblox-ctl’

pi@RampantPi4:~/brewblox $ sudo brewblox-ctl update
sudo: brewblox-ctl: command not found
pi@RampantPi4:~/brewblox $ ls
brewblox_ctl_lib docker-compose.shared.yml influxdb
couchdb docker-compose.yml traefik

A trivial question if I took the time to work it out for myself but this is a fresh installation about a week old and this is the first update so there hopefully will be something useful in it for someone else.


Thanks - keep well everyone,


It appears that source ~/.profile seems to be overly optimistic, so we’re already making the update a bit more drastic.

Try rebooting your Pi. If it still is unable to find brewblox-ctl, run the following to fix it:

echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
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Thanks Bob… after reboot however:

pi@RampantPi4:~/brewblox $ echo ‘export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"’ >> ~/.bashrc
pi@RampantPi4:~/brewblox $ source ~/.bashrc
pi@RampantPi4:~/brewblox $ sudo brewblox-ctl update
sudo: brewblox-ctl: command not found
pi@RampantPi4:~/brewblox $

Thanks, Andrew

Brewblox-ctl should be run without sudo.

If you run ls ~/.local/bin the output should include brewblox-ctl.
If you run echo $PATH the output should include /home/pi/.local/bin.
If you run pip3 show brewblox-ctl, the output should include

Location: /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages

Side note: to post code output, you can enclose it in triple backticks ``` to format it as code block (and avoid the weird formatting)

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Thanks Bob - sudo was the problem as you suggest. The cue to use it initially was the installation script ‘brewblox seems to have been installed with sudo would you like to correct this’…

All fixed again - gracias!


Ah, I’ll have a look at wording there, as the point was that brewblox-ctl was installed using sudo pip3 install brewblox-ctl.

We originally did that for compatibility reasons, but have now gotten around to the better approach, which is to use pip3 install --user brewblox-ctl for the majority of users.

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