Brewfather Fermentation Profile to Brewblox

I have a BrewBlox setup through Docker and was able to add the BrewFather integration. This is great for tracking temps and gravity within the Brewfather app but is there a way to push the fermentation schedule\profile from BrewFather to BrewBlox? This way I can manage the brewing process from one source. I found but it doesn’t look like it has been maintained for a few years, and it looks like it geared more towards the brewing process not the fermentation process.


I’ve been looking at this too, but Brewfather as a service is mostly an front-end app; there isn’t much running in the background to send event notifications to external services etc (yet?).

The project you’ve linked sits as a broker inbetween, fetching the Brewfather brewing status and sending that to Brewblox, firing the events.

It could be possible to transform a Brewfather fermentation profile to a Brewblox Setpoint Profile(s), but there’s not a lot to gain from automating the process vs just building it yourself. Hours of dev work vs minutes of clicking.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’d be cool to have Brewfather and Brewblox working hand-in-hand, but that’s a few degrees of maturity away, if someone chooses to pick up the development work.

That’s what I thought. You’re right, the time it would take to re-create the temperature profile in Brewfather probably doesn’t outweigh the development time.