I seem to be getting a certificate issue when installing Brewblox software. This happens on a new install of the software on a Pi3b+ with a new SD card and fresh install of the OS.
Setup completes without any issues but I am not able to reach the Web UI using the ```
brewblox-ctl up command.
I’ve tried three times now with a fresh format of the SD card between tries and can repro this same error.
Your help is very much appreciated!
Pi 3B+
New SD card
Raspbian lite 32bit
Spark v1
Firmware and software are up to date - brewblox-ctl update used to check
Logs: https://termbin.com/xpkr
The issue seems to be with Traefik -
Attaching to brewblox_traefik_1
traefik_1 | 2020-06-30T19:26:56.150165996Z time=“2020-06-30T19:26:56Z” level=error msg=“failed to load X509 key pair: tls: failed to find any PEM data in certificate input”
traefik_1 | 2020-06-30T19:26:56.150937993Z time=“2020-06-30T19:26:56Z” level=error msg=“Unable to add a certificate to the entryPoint “https” : unable to generate TLS certificate : tls: failed to find any PEM data in certificate input”