I notice that after about 2 weeks of fermenting, It took a very long time to load the graph. I expected this was because of the large number of data points being logged. I rest the data interval to 2 minutes instead of the default 10 seconds.
I looks like it is applied,but, when I check later it has gone back to the default 10 seconds.
The field in the interface is not updated, it seems to always show 10 seconds. The actual interval is changed and you should see less new points appear in your chart.
I have experienced the same problem and your answer is very logical. We are fermenting a lager as our first trial with the new controller. We are nearly 4 weeks in and it is taking impossibly long to get the graph to show up. This doesn’t seem to be an issue on the previous version of the controller (BrewPi 2?), which is running right next to the new controller.
Also, I have been accessing the newest BrewPi with Google Chrome. I can access it from Windows Edge but cannot edit or program a profile. Is this a compatibility issue? Am I doing something wrong?