Development Update?

Multi process will be possible, valves can be driven. What won’t be in the release is this type of UI to toggle many valves at once:

Fantastic! Can’t wait. Thanks.

Elco, thank you and everybody else that has helped get BrewPi to where it is today. BrewPi has come a LONG way over the years. I’m really excited about the new platform. I do have one hope however, that I can still use my Tilt with the new BrewBlox setup. Monitoring / controlling temp is important but SG dictates the process (when to do a diacetyl rest, when to cold crash and when fermentation is done). The ultimate power would be to be able to automate temp changes based on SG (provided by something like the Tilt) and not time as that is not a true indicator of when the beer is ready for the next step.

At the end of the day, this platform is amazing and has made brewing just that much better. I did a presentation of BrewPi at my brew club and people were amazed this kind of tech exist. So keep up the good work guys!



We already took into account external integrations and will be able to add tilt support shortly after launching the base functionality.

I also have a long term project for a more accurate SG sensor that I’d like to use for controlling fermentation rate, with temperature being an intermediate force instead of the goal.

First things first though, the framework that will enable all of that.


That would be really cool. Especially if it uses non-reactive materials. The main reason I haven’t gone for a tilt-hydrometer is that I have reservations about immersing a polycarbonate container in my wort (especially for sour beers).

Any new updates?
Would love to be able to create my own layout in the heroku app demo, if only for designing and thinking and discussing while now building my entire new system!

All updates appreciated!

@glibersat, a BrewPi contributor and owner of microbrewery Le Singe Savant in France has been brewing on the new software for 1.5 week now as our first tester. Together we found some small bugs which were quickly fixed, but overall it’s running very well.

We’re now finishing these last things we want to have ready before public beta:

  • Make deployment as easy and future proof as we can now. This includes first install, firmware updates and docker pulls without losing data.
  • UI improvements to explain how things work and have wizards for more complex setup tasks
  • LCD display on the Spark itself. I think running blind without a on device display will make it harder to identify issues and get start for most users.
  • So many of the list earlier are is still ongoing, but close to finished.

Real world testing has given us the confidence that the software is mature enough for the first users to start brewing with it. We’re mostly working on stuff to make the upgrade process smooth now.

The UI as demoed on heroku will not be part of the first release, but is expected to be ready in February. If you want to play around with a layout, the layout is editable as json files in the mocks directory. It’s a time consuming process though, it would be much easier with drag and drop.


Thank you! I actually cloned the repo and started editing the json but have up halv way through. it was BORING.
It’s the UI im actually most interested in, will it be released on github as opensource when it’s finished? Or can I pay to get my hands on it for my brewsystem?

Just wanted to let you know all that @Elco & all the team did a FANTASTIC job, it was worth waiting!
Using the new firmware, we can now preheat our BK + HLT during night at the same time and during brewday, the load balancer allows us to let everything run without caring about what is heating and risking a power surge : we now save a lot of time and required attention during a batch.

The UI is also quite great to use, still at the moment, targetted at advanced users but if you’re comfortable with advanced settings of brewpi and you are a bit adventurous, you should be delighted to try it, docker deployment (great Bob for that!) makes installing it a breeze.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Can it be istalled today on a RBPi3 for testing?

Sure! But don’t use it for production yet, have a separate setup :slight_smile:
You can use the following repository:


1 Like

Dumb question - I know it is still in Beta and @Elco and Team are still working out the bugs and a few other support pieces I am sure. If one upgrades to the new software firmware upgrade and things go wrong can we go back to the old firmware. Also, I know with my current setup the new software is what I have to have anyways, so I just want to make sure if I go down this path its either “no turning back” or yes you back backup if need be? I would like to start messing with it, since my electrician is working on the panel right now.

You can always go back to the old firmware. To make it easier, use a new SD card and install the new stack from scratch.

I have one important item left on my TODO list before beta release and that’s adding sensible default settings for each block you can create. Nothing is stopping you from following the instructions on above link, but that’s stopping me from officially putting it out here.

We pushed a lot of breaking changes last 2 weeks, so if you switch earlier you know what you’re in for.

Good luck with the last bits there Elco&team! Don’t feel rushed by deadlines and be proud of your product and hard work! Everyone is looking forward to it.


I fully appreciate this is in a pre-beta stage, and don’t expect any support, …but… :grin:

I have successfully installed BrewBlox using the guide linked above, and flashed the spark, all worked well! Is there a getting-started guide on how to get running with a basic fermentation chamber (one-wire probe in fridge, another probe in beer and control of chamber heating and cooling as per standard BrewPi setup) ?

Or alternatively… is there a simple step to revert the spark back to BrewPi firmware so it can be returned to the old environment easily?

Here is a bullet point list until we have added this in the documentation.
We want to provide some kind of templates later too.

The BrewPi set up was:

  • A PID driving the fridge air cooler
  • A PID driving the fridge air heater
  • A PID manipulating the fridge setpoint based on the beer setpoint.
  • Constraints to prevent alternating between heating and cooling
  • Minimum on and off time for the compressor

To set up the same configuration on BrewBlox:

  • Connect a temp sensor. On the spark widget, click ‘discover blocks’. Rename to fridge/beer/whatever and repeat.

Now go to a dashboard to create a few widgets (and the blocks they display).

  • Create a setpoint ‘Fridge setting’
  • Create a setpoint ‘Beer setting’
  • Create a Sensor/Setpoint pair ‘Fridge’ and link it to the fridge sensor and fridge setpoint
  • Create a Sensor/Setpoint pair ‘Beer’ and link it to the beer sensor and beer setpoint

That’s the process inputs covered.

Now the outputs:

  • On the spark page, rename your Actuator Pins as ‘cooler pin’, ‘heater pin’, etc.
  • On the actuator pin blocks, open settings and click the copy button to create a widget on your dashboard. Now go back to the dahsboard page.
  • Create a Pulse Width Modulator named ‘Cool PWM’ with cooler pin as target and a period of 30m.
  • Create a Pulse Width Modulator named ‘Heat PWM’ with heater pin as target and a period of 10s
  • Create a Mutex and set the minimal wait time for switching between actuators to 30m.
  • Now we will add some constraints on the actuators:
    • On the cool pin, go to block settings and load the preset for a fridge compressor. This will set a minimum OFF time of 300s and a minimum ON time of 180s. This will protect your compressor from overheating.
    • On both the cool pin and the heat pin, add a ‘mutually exclusive’ constraint so they cannot be active at the same time, linked to the mutex you just created.

Now create 2 PIDs:

  • For the ‘Cooling PID’, load the fridge compressor block preset.
  • For the ‘Heating PID’, load the fridge heater block preset.
  • Assign the inputs of the PID to the ‘Fridge’ sensor setpoint pair
  • Assign the outputs to ‘Cool PWM’ and ‘Heat PWM’

You now have your fridge process fully set up. You can run in what used to be called “Fridge constant” mode.

To control beer temperature, we are going to manipulate the fridge setpoint. We do this with an ‘Offset Actuator’ driven by our ‘Beer PID’.

  • First add the offset actuator and name it ‘Fridge setpoint driver’. Set the driven process value to ‘Fridge’ and the reference process value to ‘Beer’.
    • Add a minimum -10 and a maximum 10 constraint to limit the fridge setting to 10 degrees above and below the beer setpoint.
  • Add the Beer PID and load the preset for “Fridge setpoint driver”. Assign ‘Beer’ to input and ‘Fridge Setpoint Driver’ to output.

Now you have the same kind of setup that was hidden behind the previous version of BrewPi, but with much more freedom to tweak and see internal values.

Rearrange your dashboard in any way you like and try out the session widget. The session widget allows you to create charts for each brew by selecting a time range and block data to show in the chart.

If you want to run a profile for your beer temperature, create a SetPoint profile widget/block and use that as the setpoint in the ‘Beer’ sensor setpoint pair instead.

We’re open for suggestions on how to simplify this process :slight_smile:.

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Elco, thanks so much for the detail there. I will digest and you can consider me a willing beta-tester.

Edit: I’ve reverted back for a bit… Spark is connected by USB but getting a default ip (, which isn’t routable on my network) and wasn’t available to the PI. I couldn’t see how to switch between USB and TCP for the spark connection, but will re-visit this. Ideally I need a spare 'spark!


Brilliant job on the new interface and thanks for the summary above on the setup, all systems are go.

I have one small problem on setting the Pi to talk to the Spark over Wifi.

As you can see the Spark has an IP address but when I unplug the Pi from the Sparks USB port it all goes off line.

Is there a setting/file config I’m missing some where?

It automatically discovers USB devices and then mdns devices. Probably mdns discover is not finding it automatically.

In the docker-compose.yml, for the devcon service add this argument to command:


Sorry to be stupid, but you mean the docker-compose.yml in the /brewblox directory?

If it is in this file is it under the spark: section that I just add


as there is no commas: as you can see.


    image: brewblox/brewblox-mdns:rpi-develop
    network_mode: host
    restart: unless-stopped

    image: rabbitmq:alpine
    restart: unless-stopped

    image: influxdb
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb

    image: treehouses/couchdb
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "traefik.port=5984"
      - "traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefixStrip: /datastore"
      - ./couchdb/:/opt/couchdb/data/

    image: brewblox/brewblox-devcon-spark:rpi-develop
    privileged: true
      - eventbus
      - datastore
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "traefik.port=5000"
      - "traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix: /spark"

    image: brewblox/brewblox-history:rpi-develop
      - influx
      - eventbus
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "traefik.port=5000"
      - "traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix: /history"

    image: brewblox/brewblox-ui:rpi-develop
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "traefik.port=80"
      - "traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix: /"

    image: traefik
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - ./traefik:/config
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    command: -c /config/traefik.toml --docker --docker.domain=brewblox.local```