Flashed Spark 3 & 4 with update - Temp control setup messed up


I just flashed my “old” Spark 3 with three fridge temperature setup configured and a brand new Spark 4 for the initial installation. Now all the temperature sensors, on the configuration overview, show the sensors connected to the OneWire Bus. This is very messy, can’t really see if the configuration is correct anymore and will make it very difficult to set up a new temp control. Can this “OneWire Bus” block be hidden/removed? Why is it turning up at all?



It’s turning up because with the introduction of the Spark 4, you can have more than one OneWire bus (one per GPIO module).

We agree that rendering this relation needlessly clutters graphs, and made it hidden in the next release.

Hi Bob,

When is the next release? I would like to get rid of it soon rather than later.



Most likely this week or the next, depending on whether we include the features that are currently in progress.

Edit: we’ve taken a look, and both active features could use significantly more dev time. I’ll do some end-to-end tests tomorrow, and will release if nothing explodes.