Instructions on installing legacy branch


I have just dug my old brewpi setup out of a box and it works but I had to replace the rasberry pi. Bought a pi zero and after a bit of messing with the install script it installed and front end works. But it does not connect to the script. The script does work ok though:

Jan 24 2018 16:27:41 Checking software version on controller…
Jan 24 2018 16:27:41 Found BrewPi v0.2.4, running commit 2a6f7f05 build 40, running on an Arduino Uno with a revC shield on port /dev/ttyACM0

I assume I need an older version of the front end? Where do I get it? If I dont and it should work, why does it show the “script not running” all the time even if it is. Confirmed by running it manually from the shell.

EDIT: Forgot to say; I have already ran sudo python --ask which then asked installed the legacy brewpi and that worked ok. But nowt happended on the front end. Still says script not running.


Typically I have just fixed this!

I didn’t complete the, didnt realise it was not a loop and just did the first install only.