Losing wifi connection

Good morning
Since upgrading to latest raspian, I am having raspberry pi time out whilst doing brewblox-ctl update. After which I cannot wirelessly connect.
On pi itself I get could not communicate with wpa_supplicant. I have run:
sudo killall wpa_supplicant
sudo wpa_supplicant -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -d -iwlan0

a few time and it start again, but whenever I do brewblox-ctl up or updae I get the same issue

Any ideas what is going on?
Thanks in advance

Does it work if you try to start in batches?

docker-compose up -d redis influx
docker-compose up -d history eventbus
docker-compose up -d traefik ui
docker-compose up -d

Hi Bob,
Recreated the card, loaded snapshot and then the commands. However the same issue when the pi reboots

Decided to rebuild from scratch - perhaps there was an issue with the snapshot. Now it seems fine.

Many thanks

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