Lost Connection To Spark 3 after latest update


Installed latest update yesterday. Have lost contact with my Spark 3’s. I use a USB connection. It appears that USB proxy is not on.

I need help in editing the docker file to turn the proxy on. I need to know the precise language and syntax.


Add at the bottom of your brewblox.yml file:

  enabled: true

The second line must be indented with exactly two spaces. Not tabs.

After editing the file, run brewblox-ctl config apply.


Thanks, how do I get into the brewblox.yml file so that I can edit it? I’ve got Breblox up on Putty right now.

I figure it out, everything is up and running the way it should be. Thanks for the help. I used Nano made the change necessary, easy peasy.

But before you helped me I almost screwed the pooch. I had used the Visual Studio Code editor. I put a line in there that when running config apply, showed an error. After I followed your instructions.

I followed your instructions, got into nano made the change. The went back into Visual Studio took out the mistake. Re ran config apply, no error, restarted the system, no error. When to the UI all up and running and accessible.

Again thanks for the help.