Hello fellow brewers!
I built a fermentation chamber using the exact components outlined by FuzzeWuzze on Homebrewtalk:
Raspberry Pi B
Arduino Uno
Sainsmart 2 channel
DS18B20 Sensors
I’ve brewed two brews with no issues, but last week my “heat” outlet stopped functioning.
I’ve verified that the heater is good by plugging it into a dedicated socket.
The Brewpi site (heating for 3hrs…) and SSR (click and red LED) both indicate that the heater should be running, but I am not getting any voltage to the outlet.
As a test, I hooked up a light to the heat outlet and patiently waited for “heating” to engage only to see the light flick on for a second when the SSR clicked and immediately extinguish.
I can see all of my devices on the BrewPi site:
Chamber Temp / Beer Temp (Pin A4)
Chamber Heat (Pin 5)
Chamber Cooler (Pin 6)
I don’t see any indication in my logs that would lead me to believe there is a problem.
*The cooling is functioning normally
Any ideas?