[Old release notes topic]

Ok - thanks. the Spark has a pulsing white light and the screen says Brewblox loading objects. I did get the webpage to pull up with the Wizard this go around (which I hadn’t had before).

pi@Brewpi:~/brewblox $ brewblox-ctl status
Welcome to the BrewBlox menu!
Running commands: status
The following shell commands will be used:

     echo "Your release track is \"$BREWBLOX_RELEASE\""; echo "Your config version is \"$BREWBLOX_CFG_VERSION\""; docker-compose ps

Press ENTER to continue, Ctrl+C to cancel

Running command:
echo “Your release track is “$BREWBLOX_RELEASE””; echo “Your config version is “$BREWBLOX_CFG_VERSION””; docker-compose ps

Your release track is “edge”
Your config version is “0.2.1”
Name Command State Ports

brewblox_datastore_1 tini – /docker-entrypoint … Up 4369/tcp, 5984/tcp, 9100/tcp
brewblox_eventbus_1 docker-entrypoint.sh rabbi … Up 25672/tcp, 4369/tcp, 5671/tcp, 5672/tcp
brewblox_history_1 python3 -m brewblox_history Up 5000/tcp
brewblox_influx_1 /entrypoint.sh influxd Up 8086/tcp
brewblox_mdns_1 python3 -m brewblox_mdns - … Up
brewblox_spark-one_1 python3 -m brewblox_devcon … Up 5000/tcp
brewblox_traefik_1 /traefik -c /dev/null --do … Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp
brewblox_ui_1 nginx -g daemon off; Up 80/tcp

If the spark is stuck at loading objects, power cycle it.
I believe this is due to the OneWire bus master getting in an error state which I so far could only trigger during firmware updates.
I’ll see if I can recover the situation by code but I think a power cycle of the Spark should do the trick.

Rebooted the RPI - Spark is connected via USB. Looks like everything is up. I lost my configuration for all my sensors and SSR Expansion so Ill have to rebuild that. Thanks for helping me get it back online.

The reboot probably made the USB ports temporarily loose power, so that would have the same effect.

Just one more thing :wink: … When resizing the widgets on the dashboard is it possible to retain the title of the widget? For example when making a temp sensor widget as small as it will go (4*4) the title disappears.

19%20PM Screen Shot 2019-03-23 at 6.38.19 PM

36%20PM Screen Shot 2019-03-23 at 6.38.36 PM

I’ll play with a few settings, see whether I can improve behavior for small sizes.

I think we should hide the type if there is little space instead of the title.

Added new release notes. Please check the first post to see what’s new!

@Bob_Steers, Is the latest release disruptive in any way?

The only breaking change is that Block widgets now always take their title from the block they’re linked to.

There are no changes to the datastore that require special actions.
There are no firmware changes.

We make no gurantees of it being completely bug-free, but so far I’m not aware of any critical bugs in this release.

Thanks Bob, have a brew in fermenter and did not want to upgrade if it cleared configs or i would have to set things up again.

Appreciate this is still in beta and happy to do the testing.


Added relevant links to the first post.

Note that we’ve migrated our project board from Waffle to Github Projects, as Waffle is closing down.
You can still create issues in Github repositories. We’ll add them to the project board when accepted.

Added new release notes.

This release contains breaking changes

Is it normal that pip3 takes to long to download?, i have more than 15 minutes waiting.

For some reason, sudo pip3 can take a few seconds to start, but 15 minutes is about 14 minutes longer than reasonable.

If you interrupt the process with ctrl-C, and restart, does that fix it? otherwise try running sudo pip3 uninstall brewblox-ctl; sudo pip3 install -U brewblox-ctl to reinstall.

Yeah it worked thanks!

Some buttons were missing for the setpoint and profile and I just pushed a hotfix. Please update again if you already pulled the latest release.

Hi Elco,

Have just done the update and the hofix and have these errors

Screen Shot 2019-04-16 at 11.52.24 AM

Do I need to recreat the setpoint blocks ?

Can’t seem to do that, how do I now control the set temps?


Separate setpoints have been removed. The setting can now be directly set in the setpoint/sensor pair.

Please ensure you have the hotfix, otherwise you don’t have an ‘enabled’ toggle in the sensor/setpoint widget.

You don’t have the Setpoint/Sensor pairs on your dashboard here. So copy them to this dashboard from the spark service page with all the blocks.
The PID’s inputs now also have an edit button (the pencil). So even with only a PID on your dashboard, you have the measured temp and can access the setpoint.