[Old release notes topic]

The latest release changes how digital actuators are found and configured.

The Pin Actuator and DS2413 Actuator are deprecated with this release and will disappear after updating. Before you update, please write down which constraints you have set up on them so you can re-add them on the new actuators.

Especially don’t forget to check the constraints on the actuator that toggles your fridge compressor and make sure it has a minimum off time of 5 minutes to prevent damaging it.

Instead of a few predefined digital actuators. the pins now bundled into a single block.
The actual digital actuator block that can be used to toggle the pins or as target of a PWM block is created manually.

The process is now almost identical for the pins on the Spark itself or on a OneWire board.

I have created 3 gifs to show the process.

Creating a digital actuator for a spark pin:

Creating a digital actuator on a OneWire SSR board (DS2413):

Creating a motor valve on our DS2408 based valve control board:

For other changes, please see the first post of this topic.

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Successfully migrated, but ran into a couple hurdles along the way.

First, after updating (and flashing), the spark service page troubleshooter tried telling me that the firmware and service versions were incompatible (despite showing the current firmware version). I tried updating (and flashing) again but this did nothing. Finally, I tried manually restarting the spark and this seemed to fix everything. Strange as the spark seems to restart during the flashing process.

Second, it doesn’t seem to be possible to delete blocks and then create new blocks with the same name (as I was trying to do for the replacement digital actuator blocks). I kept getting errors along the lines of

500: ExistingId(Keys [Left Cool Pin, <object object at 0x75775a68>] point to different objects)

This was despite the old blocks having been deleted on the dashboard and spark pages. Ultimately I just chose a new name for the replacement blocks and everything worked after updating the various references.

Can provide logs, etc. if either of these aren’t easily reproducible.

First may be a first-time update thing, but I’ll poke around to be sure.

The second is rather weirder, especially as that second value shouldn’t be an object, but a number. I’ll dig through the data, see what turns up.

Bob, could this be because the old deprecated block has not been deleted from eeprom? It might still claim the old alias.


Just a little feedback,

That update looked a little daunting at first as I have just recently set up three fridges as fermentation chambers using three expansion boards. As I was a bit concerned that after updating I would be presented with three unnamed DS2413 chips and would not know which one belongs to which fridge, so I disconnected them leaving only “Fridge One” connected. After the update I was suprised to see all the expansion boards were shown, without rediscovering, still as I had previously named them, I was unsure whether I should delete and rediscover or not. I decided to continue and reconfigure them as per your instructions, the only stumbling block I found was the original mutex blocks were still there, when I attempted to use them it returned some error messages, was sorted when I created new mutex blocks (I deleted the old ones).

All seems to be working ok.

The DS2413 blocks were not removed, only the DS2413 Actuator that used one of the channels which is now replaced with the regular digital actuator.

If you still remember which error you got for the mutexes, that would be helpful, but we’ll try to recreate.

It was two error messages that popped up from the bottom of the screen, too much text/code to read in the time it was displayed, not that it would have made any sense to me.

But it probably would to us. If you click the little bug on the bottom left corner and choose export API errors, perhaps it is still there.

Otherwise if you run brewblox-ctl log, you’ll get a shareable link of the latest logs of all services.

brewblox-errors.json (1.3 KB)

Thanks! Not sure whether this is the mutex error, but it is an error we should look at.

Tried the brewblox-ctl log command too.


Hope it helps.

Updated the release with some small bugfixes (no need to update firmware):

  • Added a Spark service action to remove unused block names.
    • We’ll add a nicer implementation for deprecated blocks later, but for now this allows re-using your old names for actuators.
  • Changed the prefix for discovered items from UNKNOWN| to New|.
  • Fixed a bug in Step view where changing State in Digital Actuator and Motor Valve blocks would change a readonly field.

@adempewolff @Trig This should resolve your issues with ExistingId errors.


I have been gone for some time now and it seems I missed some major updates! This is very exciting but could you clarify for me, if this is to be a replacement for the BrewPi software? I built my chamber in 2017 when the Spark v3 was released. Will I need different hardware to utilize this hardware? The update looks incredible and I plan to give it a shot once the beer I have fermenting is complete.

BrewBlox is a replacement for the BrewPi software, and compatible with both the Spark v2 and v3.

Functionally, it’s a straight upgrade: it can do everything the old software could, and more.

Released a small update to the UI: the date / time picker component is now available again when editing date fields.

Added release notes.

Hi, Have updated to the latest release and have started form scratch using the new fermentation setup wizard. Quite an improvement on the ease of setup.
I have noticed however that both the heat and cool actuators are shown as activating simultaneously. Only seems to be a visual indication.


Just updated to the latest release. I appreciate the hard work and updated workflow but it seems a bit unreliable. I appreciate the Actions but I’m seeing that most of the time the actions aren’t doing anything. It is quite confusing because I can’t tell which action is currently being used or even applied at all. For example hitting apply seems to not enable or disable the respective blocks most of the time.
Either that or the response time seems to be quite slow. I hit apply on Constant Fridge Temperature action and after about 2 minutes I get a notification pop up saying it’s enabled. In the meantime I thought it wasn’t working because there’s no visual feedback unless I constantly click on the respective block (which is now available through the graphic, which is cool though!)
Is there a reason for this slowness that I could fix on my end? I’ve set config to connect spark over USB.

Thanks! We’ll Investigate and try to release a hotfix today