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Hi Elco, I’m looking to buy a Spark 4 currently out of stock. When do you anticipate this being available to buy again? thanks.

There was no free production slot earlier, so it will take about 3 weeks from now. :pensive:

Thanks Elco, no worries, I can wait!

Hi Elco, do you have a update on when you expect to have the GPIO modules back in stock again?

I can pick them up on Wednesday

Do you have an estimate for when the Onewire SSR expansion board may be back in stock please Elco?

I don’t have plans to bring them back actually, because the spark 4 io modules are much more reliable than actuators over onewire. If there’s more demand, I can check whether a small production run is doable after my holiday.

Ok, thanks. It was use with Spark 2 controller as I’m assuming there isn’t another way to expand it.