Problems to install

I try to reinstall my brewpi, but in the step “sudo ./” I get an error message.
It is this: “checking for internet connection … could not ping Are you sure you have a working internet connection? Installer will exit, because it needs to fetch code from

My ethernet connection works correctly, I can navigate well with the browser and the rest of the previous steps did not give any problem.
Thank you

Hi Blau,

This path works for me -

Can you confirm that you are using this full command?
git clone ~/brewpi-tools
sudo ~/brewpi-tools/


Hi Justin,
my commands were this:

git clone ~/brewpi-tools
cd brewpi-tools
sudo ./

do you think the difference between http: // … and https: // … can be the problem?
Until this afternoon I will not have access to the machine.
I just have to repeat the command with https: // …?
Thank you.

Ramon, sorry for the delay.
I am not sure about the http:// vs https:// factor. I am no web expert but I do know that occasionally my web browser will not open a page if it has an expired security certificate.

I would recommend trying the https address in the command line and see what happens.
For context, I just used the automated installer two weeks ago and it worked perfectly (this used the https address).

Sorry I can’t be of more help.

Hello Justin,
you have been helpful. Your advice has made me understand something else and I have already managed to solve this problem. I’m standing at another point, but I’ll report it in another thread for not confusing this one.
Thanks again.

hi! same issu here, cant install brewpi… could not ping… how can you fix it

If you cannot reach github, that’s a problem your Internet connection on the pi.

Or less likely, GitHub is down. If that’s the case, just try again.