Yesterday water from my cooler killed my Pi, so I bought a new one today, including a new micro sd.
I installed Brewblox and ran brewblox-ctl setup
I have two Sparks connected via USB to the Pi and when I connect them they show the info I was used to.
A couple of weeks ago I made a backup with FileZilla of my settings. This file is on my Mac.
How do I proceed to get everything working again? Do I need to create a directory named Backup on the Pi first, then use FileZilla to transfer it and try to load it?
If you used brewblox-ctl backup save, then you can copy the zip file to your Pi with FileZilla, and then run brewblox-ctl backup load /path/to/zip/file.
eg, if the zip file is called, you can copy it to the home directory of your Pi, and then run brewblox-ctl backup load /home/pi/