Setup TD5 PWM pump

I am working on setting up a pump with PWM i have connected pump to 24 V positive and negative and the blue wire to a pin on Spark 4, I / O modules and a negative from spark 4 pin and together with negative on the pump, then i have set up brewblox with a channel 5v and as a Motor + and - then I have connected this to digital Actuator then PWM with period 1s and the link to digital Actuator, but when I set the pump to 25% for example the pump is going on and off in intervals, its not being a smooth flow.

250ms on, 750ms off is indeed noticeable. The GPIO module also supports a 10ms period, which will be much smoother.

I tried to put in 10ms but its jumps back to 1s

That is unexpected. I’ll have a look at why this happens.

Sorry, the Io module does support the fast PWM signal required by the pump, but it has not yet been implemented in software
I had to do other work to secure funding, which is now done. I expect to implement this in the upcoming week.

Thanks for the update, then I know why it didn’t work, I was afraid that I had the set up incorrectly

Any idea when this will be fixed in the software? The Spark 4 has been a great performer when connected to its own power supply. I have the brew pi pwm pump and it makes it very difficult to mash when pump is full bore. I now have to run pump full out but regulate the flow with the butterfly value for the time being.


When can we expect the update to be implemented?


Hi! Any progress on this?


18 weeks later… Any updates on the progress would be very apriciated. Can we aspect this to be implemented any time soon, or is it put on hold for the future?

It’s part of the next release, bundled with the Stepper block for mashing, and fixes to the Spark 4 OTA update.

The whole thing has taken longer than usual because we recognized that our backlog has shifted heavily towards hardware/firmware issues, and we’ve taken steps to resolve this.

Previously, firmware and hardware was Elco’s domain, with me handling UI and services. I’m now picking up firmware work as well, so Elco has more time for hardware and hardware-related firmware.

We’ve spent some time cleaning up firmware internals to get me up to speed, and have now resumed work on user features.

Hi Bob
Is the speed control on pumps available yet for the spark 4?
Many thanks


I’m also waiting for this feature.

Hi Bob
Is there any update on the speed control?

Elco is working on it, in parallel with hardware design for the density sensor. In the meantime, I’m making sure that everything else in the release is ready to go when the PWM changes are done.

Hi Bob
Thanks for the update