I have a domain wildcard cert that is generated from another docker container running over on my NAS ( https://blog.linuxserver.io/2020/08/21/introducing-swag/). The LetsEncrypt cert/key files are .pem. Can I safely replace …/brewblox/traefik/brewblox[.crt | .key] with the externally-generaged LE cert?
Thinking I’d also have to schedule a script to copy the cert over to the brewblox rpi when it’s updated and restart traefik…
Yes, you can provide your own key files. You probably need to convert your .pem file. Traefik (v2) cert config is defined in brewblox/traefik/traefik-cert.yaml (docs).
You can safely update after overwriting key/cert/config files: they are only overwritten during brewblox-ctl setup / makecert, not during update.
If I understand correctly, just copy the traefik: service header and the command: section with the additional parameter? Not the whole traefik: service block, correct?
Seems to be working just fine on IOS 14.4 with the http2https redirection in-place and a LetsEncrypt SSL certificate deployed. No UI functional issues found with any graphs or editors (fermentation setup only).