Trouble creating HERMS with Brewblox Wizard

I am new to using Brewblox and am trying to create a HERMS setup with the wizard. I don’t have an electric boil kettle in my setup, so I just included mock pins and a mock sensor for the wizard inputs. When creating the blocks, I get the following error:

Failed to create HERMS HLT Setpoint Driver: {“error”:“EncodeException(ParseError(Failed to parse referenceSettingOrValue field: Invalid enum value Setting for enum type blox.ActuatorOffset.SettingOrValue…))”}

This was after updating brewblox and flashing the newest firmware. Log can be found at I’ve also attached blocks and ui log.

Thanks for any help!

brewblox-blocks-spark-one.json (2.6 KB) brewblox-logs (1).json (714 Bytes)

Thanks for reporting!
You can get the fix by running:

docker-compose pull ui
docker-compose up -d

Then refresh the UI, clear leftover blocks, and re-run the wizard.

If this was the first or only setup you want to use on your Spark, you can clear all blocks by going to the Spark service page, and using the “Remove all blocks” action from the menu in the top right corner.

If you also had a different setup, the quickest approach is to filter by name in the Spark service page, and then remove all blocks that match the “HERMS” prefix.

That fixed it, thanks!