I am new to using Brewblox and am trying to create a HERMS setup with the wizard. I don’t have an electric boil kettle in my setup, so I just included mock pins and a mock sensor for the wizard inputs. When creating the blocks, I get the following error:
Failed to create HERMS HLT Setpoint Driver: {“error”:“EncodeException(ParseError(Failed to parse referenceSettingOrValue field: Invalid enum value Setting for enum type blox.ActuatorOffset.SettingOrValue…))”}
This was after updating brewblox and flashing the newest firmware. Log can be found at https://termbin.com/wyka. I’ve also attached blocks and ui log.
Thanks for any help!
brewblox-blocks-spark-one.json (2.6 KB) brewblox-logs (1).json (714 Bytes)