Unknown tilt hydrometer

I am new to this and have been reading the forums and just trying to learn about the automation side of this.
I’m a bit of a gadget person (arduino) and recently came across a tilt hydrometer that seems different to the others commonly used (iSpindle/Tilt/Float).
The authors pages are at UDP Tilt Hydrometer (my way…) | Techstuff distractions
Does anyone here have any experience with this one? and can it be used with the BrewPi system? I cant find an actual source of these.
From reading the forum I remember it mentions (somewhere) that in the background it uses InfluxDB. The author claims that his device produces Influx line-format packets so will the new(?) floater just ‘work’ or is there more to it?
Thanks for any help with this.

I don’t have any experience with this, but from reading the manual, I can predict it’s compatible, but will require some service-side software to pick up the data.

The device is broadcasting, which means other software needs to be listening in order to receive the data.
From then on, you can transform the data and publish it to our eventbus.

We used to, but replaced it with Victoria Metrics, which better suited our needs. Victoria Metrics accepts incoming data formatted using the Influx line protocol, but we recommend not bypassing the history service.

OK, thanks for that.
I read up about the eventbus (and history) you linked to so I have a better idea of what is required now.
On the authors site, he explains how to (conceptualy) post to the internet so it should be simple enough to read the data broadcasts and just extract and resend the required info as MQTT messages. The hardware requirments are minimal (an ESP01 is suggested) and for my purposes, I would have been doing something similar anyway.
I have asked if the hydrometers are actualy available as I could not find any information on the site about how to actualy get one (or build one) so I’m waiting to hear back.
Thanks for your help. I will see where this ends up :slight_smile:

In order to receive and convert the messages, you don’t need separate hardware. You can run it as an additional service on your Pi.

Publishing data in a script | Brewblox describes the basics for creating a service that publishes data.
For receiving broadcast values, python-udp/client.py at master · ninedraft/python-udp · GitHub seems valid (replace 37020 with 63001 to listen for the floater’s default port)