Unsecure Website Error

That’s normal, and to be expected.

We don’t even attempt to support IE anymore, so no surprise there either.

With it working in Firefox, I suspect that there’s a flag in chrome somewhere that completely blocks self-signed certificates.

You could try this guide to accepting certificates: https://www.pico.net/kb/how-do-you-get-chrome-to-accept-a-self-signed-certificate

I figured IE was not addressed, just added for completeness.
I’m okay with just using Firefox.
And, I’ll look at pico.net later this evening.
Thanks for all your help on this.

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Sorry be trouble you… again…
Okay, after we conversed this afternoon, I was on the web UI with the Spark and I received a request to update the firmware. The update did not complete. Instructions said to do this thru the terminal view, so I ran the update via putty, successfully (I did have to try this a couple of times). After which, the blue led on the Spark was flashing, so I ran the particle/bootloader command. This was successful.

Now, the Spark is displaying the correct blocks and controlling my fermentation chamber correctly, BUT, when I go to the Web UI (Firefox :slight_smile: ) I am seeing a blank display - none of my blocks are displayed and on the left pop-out window, there is nothing installed in the services area and on the right it says it is waiting for the data store?

At the bottom right, there is a “bell” icon and when I click on it, this error is displayed:

Datastore error: url=undefined, status=undefined, response=timeout of 2000ms exceeded*

Did I forget to bring something back up?

the log is here:

(no issues with Termbin, this time!)


Logs suggest that everything is currently turned off, so try brewblox-ctl up, and see whether everything starts up ok.

(The flash and bootloader commands indeed first turn off all active services)

You know I thought I did that but apparently not. Everything’s back up. Sorry for troubling you.

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