BrewBlox Basic questions

… I may have forgotten to create an issue for it. My apologies. I’ll get it fixed ASAP.

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@Ken_Vejbaek, I was working with @Bob_Steers to figure out why my system appeared to not respond to any inputs from the web interface. It turns out, that if you run the Brewblox-ctl flash command from outside of the /brewblox directory, then the version that is flashed to your Spark is an older version. That was what was rendering my system useless. Since I navigated to the /brewblox directory and reran the brewblox-ctl flash command, my system has been running great. I’ve even got the Tilt Brewometer working on my graphs. If you are having similar problems, hit me up. I’ll see if I can conjure my inner Bob_Steers to help you out. :slight_smile:

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@Arnt I found the problem, and a fix will be included in the next release.

In the meantime: it’s caused by your Pin-Bottom-1 and Pin-Bottom-2 being constrained by UNKNOWN|MutexInterface-1 instead of Ferment Mutex. I’m not sure how or why that happened, but you likely will want to change that anyway.

EDIT: You don’t seem to be using Pin-Bottom-1 and Pin-Bottom-2 anyway, so just remove the constraint.

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Thank you @Bob_Steers. It’s working now :grinning:
Does this seem to make any sense?


We just pushed doc on how control chains work and interact. You can find it at


Thanks for your reply, Nick,
I have also experienced the importance of being in the correct directory when doing installations :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I will return if I ran into issues :smiley:

Thanks Bob, Look really helpfull :+1: Cheers Ken

I have expanded the control chains documentation to include some common configurations (fridge control, glycol, HERMS). For questions and feedback, please use this other topic:

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Hi Bob,
Hope you are doing well :smiley:
Must the command “Start all services if not running” with “brewblox-ctl” be executed every time brewblox is started, or only when changes have taken place i.e changes in network SSID?
The IP address for my brewblox is provided by DHCP and changes whenever the system has not been used for 1-2 days. Should I set-up static IP’s or how would you suggest this to be managed?

Cheers Ken

brewblox-ctl up is the command that starts everything. You’ll have to run it if you have shut off your pi. Run brewblox-ctl status to check whether services are running.

You can assign fixed IP leases in your router. The UI for this is different for each router. You’ll have to google specific instructions for your make and model router.

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I will provide static IP’s for all devices in order to be sure what to look for :+1:

Are you sure? The services have “restart: unless stopped” configured, which should restart them after a system reboot too.

Hi Bob,
Hope you are doing well!
Changing the IPaddress on brewblox running on the PI is this to be done by using Le Bussy application or can it be done from the commandline on the PI
BR Ken

You can use your router’s UI to change your Pi’s IP address. Look for “static DHCP lease” or something like that.

Hi quick question I am totally new to this all. I am setting up one hacked fridge for fermentation only. Should I use the brewpi or brewblox ui? I am looking to access it remotely both over Lan and Wan.

It’s best to go with BrewBlox. It has fully replaced BrewPi, to the point where BrewPi will not receive further updates or bug fixes.

LAN access is automatic. For external access you’ll have to use a VPN, as there is no authentication system.

Wonderful thanks Bob

Hi Elco,
quick question in this regard: Would that mean a single BrewBlox Server can control multiple sparks using one single front-end at the same time? I am asking, because I am planning an installation with about 40 valves and temperature probes each, and I am afraid that 1-Wire may reach its limitations with many stubs in the bus. In this case that would probably be a very feasible way to go. It would be great to receive your reply.

Do you see any other issues that may arise from such setup?

Best wishes,

BrewBlox is designed to do just that. You can add as many spark services as you want.

You can display blocks from all services on all dashboards. You can find instructions at

Edit: one limitation is that direct input/output is limited to the same controller. You can’t have a PID on spark one that uses a sensor on spark two.

Thanks, Bob. Is there any practical experience how many devices the bus master in a spark can handle?