BrewBlox Basic questions

No issues when I did it and that was sometime ago, before all of the recent great changes/updates,

I connected it using USB and just ran the brewblox-ctl flash and brewblox-ctl bootloader commands.

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Is the screen on the updated Spark One organised the same as the firmware updated Spark 3?

Exactly the same. This is from my SparkV1

Hi Richard,
My plan so far is to create a dashboard used to control the temperature in the fridge I use to fermentation, and another dashboard for mashing. Do we have some kind of instruction/application note to setup the dashboard for controlling temperature like “Beer constant”. I am used to the previous Brewpi web interface which was straight forward.

BR Ken

User guides on how controls like beer const work in the new system are currently in review.

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Sounds really good :smiley:

That is awesome! But we need a photo of those frogs… :smiley:

@Ken, you don’t have a Spark V1, your order clearly states V2. We use spark-one as default name for the spark service that is present by default, maybe that is what is confusing you.

Elco, Then it should be straight forward for me to flash the new firmware the same way as for my Spark 3, right? :smiley:

Yes. Don’t forget to run the flash command inside the brewblox dir.

@Elco, as requested.


That sounds great Bob. I just got my Spark and BrewBlox system up and running and I am clueless on what the device is up to. As far as I can tell, I can only manipulate the “Beer Set Point” by creating a Ferment Temperature Profile on the Fermentation Dashboard. So I did that, but the “set point” isn’t updating on my graph. Also, it doesn’t appear to be making PID decisions in the way that I would expect. It’s ran the fridge twice for less than 5 minutes and hasn’t even come close to the desired temperature yet. Long story short: I feel like this thing is smarter than I am, and it’s mocking me.

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Yes, I’ll remember to follow the procedure for Spark 3.
I am however a bit more concerned about setting up the dashboard used to control the temperature in the fridge like “Beer Constant” in “old” BrewPI application.

I know however that BrewBlox is a much more “future proof” application, but the learning curve also a bit steeper, right :thinking: But as long as you and Elco have the patience to provide excellent support you both already have provided, I am not so worried :grinning:

We shall sternly reprimand our software for its insolence.

As preview of the control chains documentation: this is the full setup if you’re using the Beer temperature mode. (Setpoint Profile not included)

You can compare this with the block relations diagram in your Spark service page.

Another thing to check is which actuators / PIDs are currently enabled. You can switch between Fridge const mode and Beer const mode by enabling or disabling the Fridge Offset Actuator.

The setpoint values are also editable by clicking the pencil icons in the PID widget.

@Bob_Steers, my blocks don’t look like that at all. Here is what my system shows, after using the “Classic Brewpi” setup.

The input arrows point the other way, but otherwise these diagrams show the same thing.

The right-most four blocks in your relations diagram are rendered in cyan in my diagram.

The two blocks in the middle in your diagram (Ferment Fridge Setting, Ferment Fridge Sensor) are placed at the top left in mine.

To reduce complexity, you could disable Ferment Fridge Offset, and trace the Ferment Heat PID and Ferment Cool PID control chains. Both take input from the Ferment Fridge Setting, but one drives the heating element, the other the cooling.

In your graph, you may want to track the Ferment Fridge Setting setting and value, and the cool/heat PWM setting. This will tell you desired temperature, actual temperature, and how much it’s busy trying to heat/cool.

Bob, therein lies my problem. I am completely unable to enable or disable any of the blocks in my system. As I mentioned in my earlier posts, the blocks state that “PWM is disabled:…”, “Offset is disabled”, “PID is inactive” etc. I can’t set values, I can’t enable anything, and it does not appear to be working at all. If you are overcome with morbid curiosity, I have a public web address where you can access my system, as I use my phone to control my old BrewPi all the time.

Sure, PM me the URL, and I’ll have a look. It may have issues with your firmware.

@Bob_Steers, URL sent sir.

I will try to use Bob’s flow-diagram with the constraints to see whether I am having the “Classic BrewPI” up and running in the first place :thinking:. In the same time I’ll be waiting to see what you guys are figuring out.

Cheers Ken

Hi Bob, I still get nothing on show relations :thinking: and I have run the new update.