Brewblox release 2021/02/03

Spark services are configured in docker-compose.yml. You can find a detailed explanation at

If you’re adding multiple Sparks, make sure each service is connected to its own controller. During add-spark you can select from discovered controllers. Each controller has a unique serial number (device ID) that will be listed during discovery.

Block names are linked to the service name. If you swap service names, it’ll start using the wrong names for blocks.

If you’re changing names, I recommend first exporting all blocks on the controller (action in admin page on UI), then changing the name, re-adding the service to the UI, and then importing the exported blocks.

I ran discover-spark for each controller - so confused why I see spark-one after add-spark for each controller.

Sorry another daft question, how do I open/ edit docker-compose.yml? not sure where to look now I have raspi lite installed

Thanks in advance

discover-spark will not change config, only show available sparks.

You can use nano docker-compose.yml to get a terminal editor, or brewblox-ctl service editor to get a web-based UI.

I think I am really out of my depth - nano docker-compose.yml does not give me any file to look at & brewblox-ctl service editor say starting editor and then a blank screen apart from cont X to quit.

service editor starts a small web server. You can open your browser and visit the Pi url at port 8300 to view the editor (it shows the address after “editor now running”). When you’re done go back to the terminal and press Ctrl-C to stop the editor.

Thanks Bob, but how do i edit it? tried deleting lines, but they came straight back

There’s a save button at the bottom.

Wow, I feel like a complete plonker - many thanks

I am still at a loss why after removing services from docker-compose.yml, they come back as an option to add.
Is there a way I can remove all the services and then create new ones?
Many thanks

Have you refreshed the UI after removing services there?

Could you please run brewblox-ctl log? I’ll have a look at your compose file.

Hi Bob
wpa_supplicant died again, so doing another fresh install. Will run the log once up and running. Not having much luck recently.

What do you mean with “wpa_supplicant died”? Whatever it is, I don’t think reinstalls are the answer.

Recently wifi stops, when I go onto the raspberry, it says error reading wpa_supplicant. No idea why it is happening, instead of running the wpa_supplicant fix, described in earlier ticket, which takes ages and only fixes sometimes, it is quicker to do a fresh install of all

Hi Bob
I have created a log

I have open spark-one but it is giving me spark-3 pins.
Can you advise?

Also wondering if the issue with the wpa_… is related to a new raspberry. Think I may try it again on old raspberry 3

Many thanks

Did you try a new sdcard?

I have tried with 3 new sd cards, so thinking the raspberry may be the root cause.
But still really confused as to where spark pins are being found


“spark-one” is the name of your Spark service. This is just a name: “waffles” would also be a valid spark service name.

“Spark 3 Pins” is a type of block. You have it because you have a Spark v3 controller. You will always get this block when using a Spark v3 controller, regardless of how you named the service.
Spark v2 controllers always get the “Spark 2 Pins” block.

To set up three Spark services, run the commands below.
I used spark-a, spark-b, and spark-c as names, but you can choose your own.

During add-spark, choose a different device ID for all three sparks.

brewblox-ctl down
brewblox-ctl service remove -n spark-one
brewblox-ctl add-spark -n spark-a
brewblox-ctl add-spark -n spark-b
brewblox-ctl add-spark -n spark-c
brewblox-ctl up

Now go to the UI. In the sidebar, it will show spark-one as offline (red dot), and show prompts to add spark-a, spark-b, and spark-c.

Click on spark-a, spark-b, and spark-c to add them as service. Go to the admin page (button top left in sidebar), and remove spark-one.

Thanks Bob
That clarifies the spark pins for me, as was assuming, incorrectly, it was the pins on the controller.

The Spark 2 Pins / Spark 3 Pins blocks are used to control the IO pins (green connectors) on your controller.

Indeed, but I was thinking spark 2 pins were the name of green pins on controller spark-two.