Edge release 2019/11/12

Yellow flashing means it is in DFU/bootloader mode to receive new binaries over USB.

Since running the new patch, my glycol pumps are not running - widgets show they are triggered, but they do not seem to be powered up. Also don’t seem to be getting dc expansion board - put a multitester on jack to pump, but did not read anything.
Any ideas?

On the Spark Pins widget, is 5V enabled (if you have a Spark 3)?

If you export your blocks from the Spark service page, we can check your configuration.

Hi Elco
I am running the Spark 2 for this one. But can export the blocks when I get home.

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Okay, thanks Elco. It is a Spark3. I’m not in the bricked Spark case so.

Any plans to add a login page to Brewblox, which maybe that can be enabled or disabled. I’m currently communicating with my Rpi / Spark through internet (very practicle to monitor at home) and having no security at all raise my pills up.

Also any plans to go further on responsive part? Display on phone is not very efficient.

I can help for all of this if you wish. As I’m in the process to grab more skills more consistently using Quasar and VueJs.


We picked Quasar Framework because it is designed very much with mobile in mind, but have not given that much attention yet. Help in that regard is definitely welcome.

For a login page to make sense, we will have to make all communications between services and UI require authentication tokens. The UI can have login, but could easily be bypassed. So it is not a minor task. On the long term todo list though.

As a temporary workaround, you can not publish port 443 or 80, but instead only forward the ssh port 22 (on a different public port) and ensure that your ssh is secured properly.

You can then open a secure ssh session to the pi and tunnel the web interface over that secure connection.

Assuming you forward 22 to 10222 and the public IP of your home is 123.456.123.789.
Start an ssh session with:

ssh -p10222 pi@123.456.123.789 -L 8443:localhost:443

You can then point your browser to https://localhost:8443

Quasar is the equivalent of what was Ionic for Angular.

I did some login systems in the past, mostly with php / jwt / symphony, less with VueJs / FeathersJs where I’m still on learning curve but did some work in the past. I did some python as well and I’m recently out from a back-end developer job that I had while 2 years (gaming company).

So I’m up, I just have to juggle with all of what I do these days, my brewery as a primary focus.

I saw another post where you were explaining the ssh tunneling, it can be very useful in this situation.

I can help for your new website as well. This thread starting to become technical so maybe you want to use another way to continue speaking? Otherwise, or if this is something really not urgent, I’ll continue my way :slight_smile:


For development we mostly use Slack. If you want I can send you an invite.

I’m on slack np, pm incoming.

Hi Elco
Issue is not release related
Checked glycol pumps and piping, looks as though the pipes have collapsed so glycol unable to flow - will swap pipes for reinforced to stop this happeneing.

I like the new session log object. Only recommendation is to allow configuration of the default “New Session” and “Example Note” when creating a new session. Maybe prompt for a session name when creating?

The example note is only if you have no other sessions (copy of shown session otherwise).

Title prompt seems reasonable, I’ll add that to next release.

OK, didn’t quite catch the behavior of the note field. When creating a new session, it copies the note name from the previous session.

Is there any reason for my fermentation temp to oscillate more after this update? It seems this last batch is just overshooting and compensating a lot as compared to prior batches before the update.

The setpoint was 12c until the very end of the plot where it started rising towards 14c

There haven’t been any direct changes, but we did notice that our office “fermenter” also saw some overshoot / alternating heating and cooling.

Could you please post screenshots of your PID graphs?

I haven’t read up on how to decipher these, I hope they’re useful

I’ts just under 3 hours between the spikes in output value in the graphs. like 2h53m +/-5m

The spike interval is caused by the mutex lockout - you can see output target on both gradually build until output value suddenly shoots up when the mutex becomes available.

For the best setting to tweak you’ll need @Elco - good answers on that are also beyond my limited understanding.

Yes, in the heat pid graph I can see that, but it doesn’t explain what’s going on with the cooling side. The mutex setting is 30m, the cooler isn’t limited by that at any point in the graph, and the spike in cooler output comes after the output target has started falling. I wish I could wrap my head around this stuff :confused:

Because your beer is around the setpoint, there is about as much reason for cooling as for heating.

Your mutex is only 30m and your cooling PWM period is probably something similar, so while they are waiting, the heater can trigger. They alternate and keep each other in balance.

Try increasing the mutex to 1 or 2 hours and I expect the cyclic behavior will go away.