Getting ready to use my cooler as a refrigerator for Thanksgiving and Its have trouble maintaining 40 degf. I’m attaching a short video of what the Spark display is doing… I have disconnected the temperature sensors one at a time and it is still doing this. I have restarted the Spark and the RaspberyPi.
It looks like something is causing errors in onewire communication.
I have seen this in the past because of very long onewire cables or a noisy VFD controlling a pump, causing electromagnetic interference.
If you have 2 onewire sensors running in opposite directions, this could maybe make the problem worse by forming dipole antenna.
All are standard length, maybe 4’ ?? Purchased when I purchased the Spark. The beer and fridge both go into the cooler. Room temp is coiled up on top of the controller. No VFD’s…
I have disconnected each sensor one at a time and it dose the same as the video. Each sensor reads +or - .2 DEGF of each other. Not sure what boards you are referring to.
Ah, my fault. Those boards were on the simulator.
So it’s just a spark with 3 sensors plugged in. That’s strange.
We did release an update today. I don’t think it will make a difference, because we didn’t change related things, but please try updating to the latest version just to be sure.