ISpindel + BrewPi

Out of interest, why is this a new github and not a fork that could be merged back into the original?

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Not sure really. Put it up there to have somewhere to put it, and haven’t really dealt with github a whole lot. The brewometer integration was done as it’s own so I went the same way… If it was merged into the original I don’t know what else would need to change to function without the iSpindel data coming in, programming is not my thing at all so keeping my work from potentially impacting the rest seemed like a good idea.

Initially was just going to host a zip file on one of my servers but this way I had options to get some feedback as well.

If you would make this a fork of the original BrewPi repo, it will be much easier to pull in updates from us.

But we are also going to replace every repo that is currently part of BrewPi with something completely new. So it might not be worth your time. I’m focusing on the new code and don’t expect to make many changes to the current version.

That is amazingly compact. Does it affect the calculations the device has to do though if its in a different size tube?

Cool, just wondered. I am building my iSpindel today, so will try and make your changes into the non legacy branch :slight_smile: exciting!

Hello again Greg,
So I got round to trying to port your github to the current non-legacy stuff, and had a couple of questions if you don’t mind?
1.) You have a dir Generic-TCP which seems to have a repeat of a couple of files from script ( & ispindle-srv), is this on purpose? Which should be used
2.) Inside that same dir you have web, that is additional stuff not directly needed for the brewpi set up I think? (now I am writing this and noticing that that dir is probably clones from the ispindel github directly…)
3.) Is there any reason in beer-chart.js the colours are repeated twice that you have added?

Haven’t had a chance to test it yet, in the middle of fermentation so probably wont get a chance for a little while.

The git is forked from the current ones and can be found here if anyone would like to have a look and play if they have spare stuff or not fermenting at the moment.

sorry for asking since my question is related to iSpider. I got my device and didn’t work after assembly. Try to get in contact with the supplier without any luck. I bought 5x power board from Amazon (4 pounds!), swaped the board and now it’s working (blinking blue LED). I’ve tried to connect with with no respons, I’ve tried a app from Wemos which doesn’t work :frowning: Please anyone what have you done to be able to set the configurations etc reaching Ubidots for calibration? The instruction included (only for download) is really crappy (even with errors), so not much help here.


SOLVED. I had to replace the power board since it was broken from supplier :frowning: . Secondly I had upload the latest FW again with since it wasn’t done from supplier. When connect to the iSpider SSID a config screen automatically appears and then it’s just to follow the guide. If you buy it from be aware they don’t know nothing about iSpider, they just supply the DIY kit, you’re on your own.

OK, I think I have the iSpindel version with the current brewpi non-legacy branch working.

If you are using docker, where you did with docker
docker pull brewpi/brewpi-ubuntu
instead do
docker pull charliwest/brewpi-ispindel

If you are using a “standard” older install, go to /home/brewpi and do git remote set-url origin .
Then go to /var/www/html (or wherever your brewpi web stuff is, for me its /var/www/html/brewpi because of proxying) and do git remote set-url origin .

Then give everything a restart. Please BACKUP everything before you begin, I take no responsibility if you destroy your brewpi set up. You should just be able to remove the extra parts by switching git remote back git remote set-url origin . etc.

I have no idea what I am doing with this, I only got this far with previous work from @Gmasem @sbowler and of course @Elco, so thanks all.

If you find things wrong I will try and help out as best I can, but really I am bumbling around in the dark here! :wink:

Good luck!

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How did you get on with the ispindel calibration procedure? I am struggling with it, and am getting some crazy Plato numbers out from the derived variables that i’ve set up in (-4 or thereabouts) Could you let me know what steps you went through to calibrate?


Actually mine is also crazy out of line as well, once this beer finishes I will have another attempt at calibration. Probably late nov I think.

I started with adding 15gr of lead at the bottom to get it to float at approximate 45 degrees in pure water. Then I put the device on a horizontal surface, connected the device and went to Maintenance and Calibrate. It took some minutes and then the device rebooted. Now I calibrated it with sugar and water and it ended up quite good. Still I’ve a error about 1 Plato in pure water so I plan to make a better calibration during next brew.

Thanks for the responses. For me, It wasnt clear from the docs whether to do the “lie it flat” calibration before or after the “various sugary solution” calibration. So I have two data sets, that i put into the spreadsheet calculator. 1 set at about 78-79 degrees of tilt and another set (after “lie it flat” calibration) at about 83-84 derees of tilt.

I have NO additional lead weight.

The attached image is the formula i’ve put into ubidots derived formula field, but the ispindel out tilt degree readings that result in Plato numbers of around -3 for when the ispindel is floating in pure water, so not correct!

I have not got my calculator out yet to check the maths, but will do so soon. Any thoughts on what might be going wrong


And here is the spreadsheet for the data set that is currently being used for the Plato calculations. (Ignore the Plato Formel is lower left - some macro issue)

which I entered in the Config section as 0.028700869*(tilt)(tilt) - 2.599121614(tilt) + 59.5057137

Intersting data set, looks like the lead weight gives a better line/slope and less deviation. I’ll order some fishing weights!! Thanks for that.

I’ll have to find where I read the recommendation, but I believe it is recommended to add weight to get a tilt of 15° - 25° in plain water.

Edit: I found the reference to the degrees of tilt on the page. Part #3

@gromitdj All good now, added a weight to the bottom of the sled, and removed the “^” from the derived formula. Now the readings make more sense. Thanks!

Anyone playing along at home with my fork I did some clean up and have now made
docker pull charliwest/brewpi-ubuntu
docker pull charliwest/brewpi-raspbian
Untested with a real world test but runs ok for me.
Still have issues with the coloured lines of the graphs I havent managed to work out

Has anyone integrated the BrewPi legacy version with the ISpindel. I am particulary interested in using the ISpindel as the beer thermometer