New Setup for Glycol Tank + Pump

Depending on how your chiller is going to chill the vessel you will find you have to adjust things a decent bit on the cold side. I have two 1/2bbl SSBrewtech conicals with the FTSs coils in them and we found that if I super chilled my glycol I would bounce all over the place (overshoot was really bad). I had to dial back the glycol temp greatly to get things in line because the coils chilled almost too well.


hmm… i have 2 14 gallon brewmaster editions and plan to run glycol at -20 celsius through them… would that be too cold?

Depending on what you are trying to ferment that will probably be way too cold.

i’m thinking of having brewpi control the pump, then only let the glycol circulate when i need it to cool down.

I run my glycol at 40F most of the time. thats more than sufficient for fermentation temps. Just kegged a beer today that spent last week at 50F waiting on me to get to it, and had no problems maintaining the temp. Of course 40F also because I just haven’t gotten around to actually adding glycol to the glycol mixture and I get freezing on the coils with plain water at around a 36F set point.

I’ll have a test setup for glycol soon :smiley:
New conical just arrived.

Still have to convert my glass door freezer into a fridge + kegerator + glycol chiller :laughing:

Ordered 2 perlick 650ss taps and secondary CO2 regulators.

I’m going to use a steel jerrycan as glycol reservoir.

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1BBL Brewmaster edition , nice;)

Nope, that’s the 14G.

Ok. Was confused because only the 1BBL version comes with that perforated plate between the legs. Forgot it can be ordered extra;)

Are you planning on doing the coils on the side?

Yeah, the Brew Master Edition comes with the coils. I’ve got the same one, but didn’t go all out and get the shelf, leg extensions AND casters. WOWZA! That’s nice.

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Ahh very nice I haven’t looked at this series much since I got mine so long ago.

they are incredibly nice…
not just the butterfly valves, but also the heating pad, you can almost directly shove the new temp sensors in, the build in cooling spiral…
i also odered the leg extensions, wheels and stainless steel shelve… they are awesome…

Expecting mine on Friday. I hope the heating-pad from the FTS kit can be used in combo with a brewpi.

Multiple-loops support is going to be very used as I will need it now for both mashing and fermenting…

I got 3 new 150 liter conicals comming in next weekend from china. The isolation and cooling jacket are built in, the are pressure resistandtto 3 bar and got CIP cleaning:

I am wishfully waiting for the glycol-setup-update, and especially multichamber-support-update.

that is awesome @chixxi!
may i ask where you bought them?

China :wink: It is the second time I ordered from the supplier. Before I publish the contact I want to wait until I see the quality of the welds and so on. After having seen the first conical there were some serious issues which need to be adressed. I really don’t want to make anybody order a tank from a supplier I recomended with minor quality.

I will let you know as soon as they have arrived.

can i ask how much you paid for tank including shipping (and including destination?)

If you want to find a good list of pro gear you should check out the forums on and the BA forums. Both sites have a wealth of information on suppliers and much much more.


Finished assembly of mine (1BBL model). Hopefully, there will be a way to drive the pump for the cooling-coil and the heating-pad from Brewpi.