Okay, I ran the command, then the BrewPi didn’t respond anymore, so I went ahead and ran the update and got the following:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo python ~/brewpi-tools/updater.py
#### ####
#### Welcome to the BrewPi Updater! ####
#### ####
Checking whether the update script is up to date
/home/pi/brewpi-tools is up-to-date.
*** Updating BrewPi script repository ***
Stopping running instances of BrewPi
Quit message sent to BrewPi instance with pid 2396!
You are on branch master
The latest commit in /home/brewpi is 015e5c7040672af9e0dc3045ac1b681036c372d6 on Wed, 22 Apr 2015 05:01:36
The latest commit on origin/master is 015e5c7040672af9e0dc3045ac1b681036c372d6 on Wed, 22 Apr 2015 05:01:36
Your local version of /home/brewpi is up to date!
*** Updating BrewPi web interface repository ***
You are on branch master
The latest commit in /var/www is d44c03e786d0bde0dc43f86a8bd655659f3f3d2b on Wed, 11 Mar 2015 17:59:39
The latest commit on origin/master is d44c03e786d0bde0dc43f86a8bd655659f3f3d2b on Wed, 11 Mar 2015 17:59:39
Your local version of /var/www is up to date!
No changes were made, skipping runAfterUpdate.sh.
If you encounter problems, you can start it manually with:
sudo /home/brewpi/utils/runAfterUpdate.sh
The update script can automatically check your controller firmware version and program it with the latest release on GitHub, would you like to do this now? [Y/n]:
Stopping any running instances of BrewPi to check/update controller...
Checking current firmware version...
Current firmware version on controller: 0.2.7
Checking GitHub for latest release...
Latest version on GitHub: 0.2.10
Version on GitHub is newer than your current version, downloading new version...
Downloading latest firmware...
downloading https://github.com/BrewPi/firmware/releases/download/0.2.10/brewpi-spark-core-revc-0_2_10.bin
Latest firmware downloaded to /home/brewpi/utils/downloads/0.2.10/brewpi-spark-core-revc-0_2_10.bin
**** Spark Core Program script started ****
Settings will be restored if possible
Devices will be restored if possible
Checking old version before programming.
Checking current version: Found BrewPi v0.2.7 build 0, running on a Spark Core with a Rev-C shield on port /dev/ttyACM1
Requesting old settings from Spark Core...
Saved old settings to file settings-Apr-30-2015-18-50-55.json
Waiting for the binary file to be sent ... (press 'a' to abort)
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sent packet nr 0
File flashed successfully
Waiting for device to reset.
At this point I walked away, had dinner, did some laundry, came back and it was still at the same point, so I disconnected the BrewPi and plugged it back in which cased:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/brewpi/utils/updateFirmware.py", line 144, in <module>
result = updateFromGitHub(userInput)
File "/home/brewpi/utils/updateFirmware.py", line 124, in updateFromGitHub
{'settings': restoreSettings, 'devices': restoreDevices})
File "/home/brewpi/utils/../programController.py", line 160, in programController
return programmer.program(hexFile, restoreWhat)
File "/home/brewpi/utils/../programController.py", line 225, in program
File "/home/brewpi/utils/../programController.py", line 308, in fetch_new_version
self.versionNew = self.fetch_version("Checking new version: ")
File "/home/brewpi/utils/../programController.py", line 293, in fetch_version
version = brewpiVersion.getVersionFromSerial(self.ser)
File "/home/brewpi/utils/../brewpiVersion.py", line 60, in getVersionFromSerial
ser.setTimeout(oldTimeOut) # restore previous serial timeout value
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/serial/serialutil.py", line 402, in setTimeout
if self._isOpen: self._reconfigurePort()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/serial/serialposix.py", line 325, in _reconfigurePort
raise SerialException("Could not configure port: %s" % msg)
serial.serialutil.SerialException: Could not configure port: (5, 'Input/output error')
*** Done updating BrewPi! ***
After trying BrewPi web interface and it saying the firmware wasn’t updated, I tried again:
Round 2:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo python ~/brewpi-tools/updater.py
#### ####
#### Welcome to the BrewPi Updater! ####
#### ####
Checking whether the update script is up to date
/home/pi/brewpi-tools is up-to-date.
*** Updating BrewPi script repository ***
Stopping running instances of BrewPi
You are on branch master
The latest commit in /home/brewpi is 015e5c7040672af9e0dc3045ac1b681036c372d6 on Wed, 22 Apr 2015 05:01:36
The latest commit on origin/master is 015e5c7040672af9e0dc3045ac1b681036c372d6 on Wed, 22 Apr 2015 05:01:36
Your local version of /home/brewpi is up to date!
*** Updating BrewPi web interface repository ***
You are on branch master
The latest commit in /var/www is d44c03e786d0bde0dc43f86a8bd655659f3f3d2b on Wed, 11 Mar 2015 17:59:39
The latest commit on origin/master is d44c03e786d0bde0dc43f86a8bd655659f3f3d2b on Wed, 11 Mar 2015 17:59:39
Your local version of /var/www is up to date!
No changes were made, skipping runAfterUpdate.sh.
If you encounter problems, you can start it manually with:
sudo /home/brewpi/utils/runAfterUpdate.sh
The update script can automatically check your controller firmware version and program it with the latest release on GitHub, would you like to do this now? [Y/n]:
Stopping any running instances of BrewPi to check/update controller...
Checking current firmware version...
It locks up at this point.