Up And Running but not now

I’m still thinking maybe a hardware issue with the Pi. I redid the cat5 cable so now the brewery has its own switch. Not a bad thing !!

Update from 3 weeks ago… A new Raspberry Pi project was to get my tap list on a flat screen monitor. I’m using Tapitgood.com and a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W. The Pi is headless and the setup went reasonably well. During the setup I was having WIFI drop outs with it too. Now two Pi’s dropping WIFI. After some searching I found that some settings in a router were causing issues for some. I did what others did to correct the problem and it has been days and the Pi’s WIFI has been solid so far. What others have done is turn off WMM APSD in the wireless advance settings. Not claiming victory yet but so far so good !!!
Here is my tap list that now displays over the taps !!! You can see my Spark that controls my fermenter above the left side of the refrigerator !!

Just wanted to update in case others are having similar issues.

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